Ready-made Library

With the number of library preps growing year by year, the Genomics Core is not able to offer library prep assistance for all projects. Final libraries, submitted either individually or as a final pool, are accepted for sequencing on any of the Illumina platforms.

The Genomics Core will complete full quality control on all final libraries prior to running on the Illumina sequencers. Quality control (QC) consists of Qubit Fluorometer for concentration (ng/ul) and Agilent Fragment Analyzer NGS high sensitivity chip for library quality and average fragment size (bp). All results are sent to the submitting user for approval to move forward with sequencing. Once approved, they will be pooled equally and according to adapter-indexes used. The pool is quantified by qPCR and diluted and denatured for sequencing following Illumina protocols. All fees for Final Library QC, pooling, and qPCR are separate and not included in the cost of a run. Additional charges to each project vary depending on which QC services are completed. Contact the core with any questions about your ready-made / custom libraries. 

For a list of all QC tests available and pricing, please see our Pricing page. 


Final Library Submission

  • Provide a minimum of 20ul @ 20nM of each Final Library or Final Library Pool. 
  • Submit all samples in 1.5ml microcentrifuge tubes, clearly labeled on TOP of tube with sample name and user initials, and label SIDE of tube with the date. Sample names on tube and iLab request form should match.
  • Large volume projects may be submitted in FULL SKIRT 96-well plates, with at least one SIDE WALL clearly labeled with project name, plate number, user name, and date. Sample names and well location will be submitted through iLab.  
  • Fill out the Library Prep / NGS form in iLab. 


Submit a Request