Email and Phone Call Templates

Adjust the email templates below to contact community partner organizations about service opportunities. You can refer to the Community Service Advising webpage for more general tips and strategies for identifying and reaching out to community organizations.

Initial Communication

Template 1: Email to contact organization of interest

Dear (Volunteer Coordinator),

My name is Cynthia Jones and I am a sophomore majoring in biomedical engineering at Case Western Reserve University. In the past, I did a lot of volunteer work with animals and I am looking for similar opportunities in Cleveland. I wanted to reach out to see what types of opportunities might be available at your organization. I am generally available on Monday afternoons after 1 p.m. and anytime on weekends. Thank you and I look forward to hearing about opportunities at your organization.

Template 2: Email to contact organization about an existing opportunity

Dear (Volunteer Coordinator),

My name is Jason Wang and I am a graduate student in the MBA program at Case Western Reserve University. I recently saw the Finance Internship volunteer opportunity at your organization, and I wanted to learn more. I am interested in nonprofit management and think this opportunity would be a great way to contribute my skills towards a worthy cause. I look forward to hearing more from you about this opportunity.

Template 3: Email to contact an organization to set up a group service opportunity

Dear (Volunteer Coordinator)

My name is Xavier Hernandez and I am the student service chair of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, a fraternity at Case Western Reserve University. In my role, I encourage members of my fraternity to get involved in the community and I also organize occasional group projects for the chapter members. I think the mission of your organization would be interesting to many of our members and I was looking for ways to get involved. In particular, I was hoping to organize a service opportunity for 30 students on a Saturday in October. We are flexible as to the nature and time frame of the opportunity. Please let me know if you would have any opportunities available for our group. If not, I would still be interested in learning about other ways our group or chapter members could help out. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Follow Up Communication

If you have not heard back from your contact after approximately one week, you can follow up by email or phone. Below are sample templates you can adjust for follow up communications.

Template 1: Email follow-up

Dear (Volunteer Coordinator)

I emailed you last week about volunteer opportunities at your organization and I wanted to follow up to make sure you received my email. If you need any additional information, feel free to let me know. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Template 2: Phone call script

"Hello, may I speak to (Volunteer Coordinator) or the best person to talk to about volunteering at your organization?"

"My name is Cynthia Jones and I wanted to follow up about an email I sent last week about volunteer opportunities. I am a student at Case Western Reserve University and I was hoping to learn about ways I could get involved with your organization."