Preferred Travel Agents

CWRU regularly works with two local travel agencies. They are CWRU’s preferred agents for air travel, group travel and Cleveland-area hotel reservations. They can now assist with booking many hotels outside of the Cleveland area. Flite II Travel is a woman-owned minority travel agency keeping with the university’s commitment to supporting supplier diversity.

Direct Travel

Direct Travel features a 2-16% discount on tickets purchased from United Airlines, as well as tracking and name change options for unused United tickets. In some cases, Direct Travel discounts will be higher than the CWRU discount program for that flight and market because of Direct Travel volume discounts with United Airlines. 

Account Manager: Sharon Birtley
Tel :  440-225-4660

Self register for online bookings
Concur online reservations 
Direct Travel Authorization Form

Online Concur self-training video for updating your Concur profile, as well as booking Concur flight and hotel booking


Flite II Travel

Flite II Travel features a 2-16% discount on tickets purchased from United Airlines, as well as tracking and name change options for unused United tickets.

Account Managers: Dawn Scadlock, Lisa Washington
23611 Chagrin Blvd.
Beachwood, OH 44122
Ph: 216.464.1762
Fax: 216.765.2637‌

Flite II Authorization Form