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Media Experts
Case Western Reserve University experts are available to comment on a range of topics. Members of the news media who need assistance with finding or arranging an interview with a CWRU expert should contact media relations at case-news@case.edu or 216.368.4207
Jenny Hawkins
Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Integrated StudiesWeatherhead School of ManagementAssociate ProfessorDepartment of EconomicsWeatherhead School of ManagementTopics: Business Strategy, Law and Economics, Microeconomics, Labor Markets, U.S. Economy
Susan Helper
Frank Tracy Carlton Professorship in EconomicsWeatherhead School of ManagementProfessorDepartment of EconomicsWeatherhead School of ManagementCo-ChairNational Academy of SciencesCo-DirectorCIFARNon-resident Senior FellowBrookingsMemberBureau of Labor Statistics Technical Advisory CommitteeTopics: Labor, Commerce, Employment, Manufacturing, Globalization, Supply Chains, Regional Economic Development, Innovation
Ronald L. Hickman, Jr.
ProfessorFrances Payne Bolton School of NursingAssociate Dean for ResearchCenter for Research and ScholarshipFrances Payne Bolton School of NursingRuth M. Anderson ProfessorFrances Payne Bolton School of NursingTopics: Health Care, Nursing, Technology Based Medicine
Jessie Hill
Judge Ben C. Green Professor of LawSchool of LawTopics: Constitutional Law, Women’s Rights, Abortion Law, Law and Religion
Lee Hoffer
Associate ProfessorDepartment of AnthropologyCollege of Arts and SciencesProfessorDepartment of PsychiatryCollege of Arts and SciencesTopics: Cultural and Medical Anthropology, Substance Use Disorder, Addiction, HIV Risk Behaviors, Medication Misuse, Drug Policy
Sharona Hoffman
Edgar A. Hahn Professor of LawLaw-Medicine CenterSchool of LawProfessorDepartment of BioethicsSchool of MedicineCo-DirectorThe Law-Medicine CenterSchool of LawTopics: Aging and the Law, Big Data, Health Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Law, Employment Discrimination, Pharmaceuticals And Law, Physician Burnout
Megan R. Holmes
Co-DirectorCenter on Trauma and AdversityJack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social SciencesProfessorJack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social SciencesTopics: Intimate Partner Violence, Trauma, Child Maltreatment, Sibling Relationships, Maternal Parenting
Anthony (Tony) Ian Jack
Director of ResearchInamori International Center for Ethics and ExcellenceResearch FellowCoaching Research LabWeatherhead School of ManagementBeamer-Schneider Professor in EthicsPrincipal Investigator of Brain, Mind & Consciousness LaboratoryAssociate ProfessorDepartment of PhilosophyCollege of Arts and SciencesAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Psychological SciencesAssociate ProfessorDepartment of NeurologyAssociate ProfessorDepartment of NeurosciencesAssociate ProfessorOrganizational BehaviorWeatherhead School of ManagementTopics: Empathy, Religion, Ethics, Brain/Psychology
Ge Jin
MemberPopulation and Cancer Prevention ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterTopics: Cancer-HIV Link
Robert Kirsch
ChairDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineExecutive DirectorCleveland Functional Electrical Stimulation CenterAllen H. and Constance T. Ford ProfessorProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineTopics: Neuroprosthetics, Neuroengineering