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Media Experts
Case Western Reserve University experts are available to comment on a range of topics. Members of the news media who need assistance with finding or arranging an interview with a CWRU expert should contact media relations at case-news@case.edu or 216.368.4207
Stacy McGaugh
ChairDepartment of AstronomyCollege of Arts and SciencesTopics: Galaxies, Cosmology
Tracey Messer
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Organizational BehaviorWeatherhead School of ManagementTopics: Entrepreneurship, Organizational Behavior, Social Ventures, Family Business, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence
David B. Miller
OMEGA Engagement OfficerAssociate ProfessorJack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social SciencesAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Population and Quantitative Health SciencesSchool of MedicineMemberPopulation and Cancer Prevention ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterTopics: Health Disparities in African Americans, Systemic Racism
Carol M. Musil
DeanFrances Payne Bolton School of NursingThe Edward J. and Louise Mellen Professor of NursingFrances Payne Bolton School of NursingTopics: Caregiver Stress, Nursing
Eunyoung Park
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Art History and ArtCollege of Arts and SciencesTopics: Global Contemporary Visual Culture, Globalization Effects on Art, East Asian Art, Western Modern Art, Contemporary Art
Fey Parrill
Department ChairProfessorDepartment of Cognitive ScienceCollege of Arts and SciencesTopics: Speech, Gesture, Pragmatics, Embodied Cognition, Construction Grammar, Social Cognition, Attention
Simon Peck
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementFaculty DirectorEMBAWeatherhead School of ManagementChairDepartment of Design & InnovationWeatherhead School of ManagementTopics: Corporate Governance, Strategic Planning, Executive Compensation
Cassi Pittman Claytor
Assistant ProfessorClimo Junior ProfessorDepartment of SociologyTopics: Contemporary Forms of Racism, Contemporary Processes of Social Exclusion and Inequality, Race, Class, Black Middle-Class
Andrew S. Pollis
Professor of LawSchool of LawDirectorAppellate Litigation ClinicMilton and Charlotte Kramer Law ClinicSchool of LawTopics: Civil Litigation, Opioid Litigation
Elliot Posner
ProfessorDepartment of Political ScienceCollege of Arts and SciencesTopics: Politics of Finance, European Union, Market Formation, Regulatory Power