Anthony Bucaro

E. Mandell De Windt Endowed Professor in Leadership and Enterprise Development
Department of Accountancy
Weatherhead School of Management
Department Chair
Department of Accountancy
Weatherhead School of Management
Co-Director, Master of Accountancy Program
Department of Accountancy
Weatherhead School of Management
Associate Professor
Weatherhead School of Management

Tony Bucaro, CPA, PhD, joined the Weatherhead faculty in the fall of 2015, after receiving his PhD in Accountancy from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prior to joining the academic community, Bucaro worked for 15 years in public accounting. He joined the international audit and accounting firm, Deloitte & Touche, in 1995, where his professional focus was financial statements and processes of large public and private companies. More specifically, he focused on the audit of business processes, risks and internal controls over financial reporting, and consulted with clients to improve their risk-related processes. Deloitte & Touche made Bucaro a Partner in 2007. He left public practice in 2010 to pursue his PhD in Accountancy and now uses his professional experience to guide practical, academic research related to effective audit processes, audit regulation, and other accounting topics, and to teach financial accounting, audit, and accounting information systems.

Initially Appointed: 2015


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Master of Accountancy
The University of Florida

Teaching Information

Courses Taught

  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Spreadsheet Basics for Business and Non-Business Majors
  • Technology Lab for Corporate Reporting I

Office Hours

By Appointment Only

External Appointments

  • Editor, Accounting Horizons, 2024 - 2027
  • Academic Advocate, ISACA, 2016 - Present
  • American Accounting Association, 2010 - Present
  • American institute of Certified Public Accountants, 2007 - Present
  • Interaction with Industry, Deloitte "Center for Controllership™", 2019 - Present
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, Accounting, Organizations and Society
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, Contemporary Accounting Research
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
  • Ad Hoc Reviewer, Behavioral Research in Accounting


  • Bucaro, A., T.J. Wilks, C. Yust. (2024).
    Current Issues Faced by Controllers. Accounting Horizons
  • Bucaro, A., J.D. Keyser. (2024).
    Classifying Internal Control Deficiencies: The Case of Magnum Hunter Resources Corporation. (vol. 39, issue 2) Issues in Accounting Education
  • Desai, V. D., A. Bucaro, J. Kim, R. Srivastava, R. Desai, R. (2023).
    Toward a Better Expert System for Auditor Going Concern Opinions Using Bayesian Network Inflation Factors. (vo. 49) International Journal of Accounting Information Systems
  • Bucaro, A., B. Brewster (2020).
    Practitioner Summary – Systems Thinking in Complex Audit Situations (vol. 14, issue 2, pp. 40-46) Current Issues in Auditing
  • Bucaro, A., T. Bauer, C. Estep (2020).
    The Unintended Consequences of Material Weakness Reporting on Auditors’ Acceptance of Aggressive Client Reporting  (vol. 95, issue 4, pp. 51-72) The Accounting Review
  • Bucaro, A., K. Jackson, J. Lill (2020).
    The Influence of CSR Measures on Investors’ Judgments when Integrated in a Financial Report versus Presented in a Separate Report (vol. 37, issue 2, pp. 665-695) Contemporary Accounting Research
  • Bucaro, A. (2019).
    Enhancing auditors' critical thinking in audits of complex estimates (vol. 73, pp. 35-49) Accounting, Organizations and Society