As a student at Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, you have access to a wide array of resources to help manage your career—from networking workshops and mock interviews to exclusive access to numerous job board websites including the ones listed here. We’re proud to offer the support and guidance you need to prepare for the next phase of your career.
Handshake is a central location for Case Western Reserve University students to register for events, apply for internships and jobs, upload resumes, and access career search resources.
Weatherhead's Intranet provides a diverse array of additional resources for students and alumni. Our resources can help you find jobs, discover industries or launch an international job search. Students should access the Intranet for the complete list of job board websites and additional career resources.
Glassdoor brings transparency to the job search process by giving you the inside edge. Find out about companies, salary ranges and interview experiences from those who've gone before you.
12Twenty's student research tools give you access to real data from across a network of graduate business students. Research tools include salary database, offer timing, common sources of offers, and other internship and job offer trends.