Jeffrey Wolcowitz

Adjunct Professor
Department of Economics
Weatherhead School of Management

Jeffrey Wolcowitz is an Adjunct Professor of Economics.  He joined Case Western Reserve University in 2006 to serve as Dean of Undergraduate Studies and continued in that role until the summer of 2023.  Dr. Wolcowitz earned his AB from Princeton University in 1974, his AM from Harvard University in 1976, and his PhD from Harvard University in 1982, all in economics.  His Ph.D. dissertation explored the dynamic effects of unemployment insurance on temporary layoffs.

In the CWRU Economics Department, Dr. Wolcowitz has taught intermediate microeconomics and principles of microeconomics. His paper “Linking the Substitution and Output Effects of Production to Profit-Maximization in the Intermediate Microeconomics Course” was published in Business Education & Accreditation in 2014.  Before coming to CWRU, Dean Wolcowitz held faculty and administrative positions at Harvard University for 28 years. As an economist, he served as one of the course heads from 1978 to 1983 for the full-year introductory economics course, which enrolled about 1,000 students per year, and later taught undergraduate courses on public finance, microeconomic theory, the future of social security (freshman seminar), and the economist's view of the world (freshman seminar).

As Dean of Undergraduate Studies at CWRU, Dr. Wolcowitz provided leadership, management, and oversight of academic affairs for all undergraduates across the several schools. He was a Provost's designee to the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Education, co-chairing the subcommittees on curriculum and academic standing, and he participated on the curriculum committees of the constituent faculties of the Undergraduate Program Faculty.  His led efforts to update policies and procedures for students and faculty with an emphasis on simplicity, clarity, and consistency among the schools, while providing better guidance to students in their academic work.  He played a major role in the design and initial implementation of the Unified General Education Requirements (UGER) that went into effect for students matriculating at the university during the 2023-2024 academic year or later.
Dr. Wolcowitz has served as faculty advisor to the CWRU chapter of the Delta Chi fraternity since 2011 and was named the Alumnus Advisor of the Year for 2017 by the international organization.