Alumnus spotlight: Callen Tommasone

Photo of Alumnus Callen Tommasone posing on building steps

Callen Tommasone graduated from Weatherhead School of Management this spring with his Master of Business Administration degree and a concentration in operations management. In July, he will start a full-time position at Eaton Corp. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Learn about this next step in his career and how Weatherhead School helped to prepare him.

Q: What led you to Weatherhead School of Management to pursue your MBA?

A: When I graduated from the University of Cincinnati in the spring of 2020, the world and job market were at a standstill because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I thought that this unprecedented time would be a great opportunity for me to further my education, while the world recovered from the outcomes of the pandemic. Case Western Reserve University was the ideal choice for me because it has a competitive MBA program in my hometown of Cleveland and I felt I would be able to succeed here.

Q: What led you to your full-time position within Eaton Corp.?

A: I began an internship with Eaton in the summer of 2021 and it ended in the fall 2021. I was a graduate supply chain intern for the Global Procurement Team on the wire and cable side of Eaton’s products. I worked on a number of projects that included big data, international teams, supplier management, and make versus buy analysis.

This led to a full-time position. The position I’m joining now after graduating is a program called the Supply Chain Management Leadership program. This is aimed at giving me experience in two different supply chain-centered roles at Eaton to prepare me for a role with increased responsibility in Eaton’s supply chain.

Q: What are you looking forward to the most in this full-time position?

A: I’m looking forward to moving to a new city for each of the next two years while also changing roles to get a solid understanding of Eaton’s business and their supply chain. I also believe there are amazing leaders at Eaton, who will help coach and guide me to a successful career. I’m excited to make more of those connections and make a reputation for myself.

Q: How was your experience within Weatherhead School? 

A: While slightly unusual due to the pandemic making nearly everything virtual for some of my time, I think Weatherhead did a great job in facilitating networking opportunities through Zoom meetings, career fairs, and semi-social events among other things. The Career Management Office in particular helped me easily connect with employers and find great potential fits for my experience and interests.

Weatherhead was a silver lining for me during the COVID-19 pandemic, and I’m grateful for the opportunities that have been presented to me because of the program. I’m excited to join the workforce with a professional degree, connections, support groups, and broad experience that I believe will help make me a successful leader in my career. I’m proud to have attended the university and I can’t wait to see how my fellow alumni and future students from Weatherhead will change the world!