Celebration held for Richard Osborne Professorship

People gather in the glass lounge for the Celebration for Richard Osborne Professorship

On June 20, Co-Deans JB Silvers and Andrew Medvedev, along with former Dean and Osborne Professorship Committee Chair Scott Cowen, hosted a special in-person celebration to officially welcome Professor Scot Lowry as the Richard L. Osborne Endowed Professor of Entrepreneurship.

Lowry, who along with Professor Simon Peck, will lead the efforts and launch a robust series of entrepreneurship by acquisition programs and student-focused initiatives beginning this fall. Following the passing of the beloved “Gorilla” in 2016, a group of dedicated alumni came together to honor Richard’s legacy by fundraising over $2 million to support this professorship.

Scot Lowry holds microphone while giving a speech.

Elizabeth Osborne (Beamer!) joined with members of her family to make remarks as former students of the Gorilla spoke about highlights from their time in his classes.

Elizabeth Osborne holds a microphone while giving a presentation