Exciting News from IPMI in Indonesia

The Fowler Center's AIM2Flourish program is used by professors all over the world. We are always pleased to share their success with our community. 

Professor Amelia Naim from Indonesia has set up a Center for Sustainability Mindset and Social Responsibility (CSMSR) in IPMI International Business School, which regularly conducts community engagement activities and workshops to support research and community development.  AIM2Flourish is a key piece of the Center, and their students and collaborators have developed not only business stories for the AIM2Flourish website, but have also been inspired to initiate real business to support the UN Global Goals!

Some of the achievements of the new Center for Sustainability Mindset and Social Responsibility have been:

  • Developing students to join the AIM2Flourish platform. To this day 219 stories have been written by IPMI International Business School students for AIM2Flourish.
  • Winning a Fowler Center Flourish Prize three times.
  • Some of the students are developing real business supporting the UN Global Goals. One of the students has already achieved 9 digits revenues (idr) with 44 employees from the marginalized people whom he developed and sponsored for university education.
  • Research has been conducted on the impact of the integrated program (AIM2Flourish being part of the program) toward the students’ sustainability mindset which has a promising result. 
  • CSMSR is collaborating with the IPMI’s  Innovation Lab to continuously mentor innovation ideas which support the Global Goals.
  • Launching a Journal on Community Engagement, IPMI International Business School, 2019.

And last but not least….

  • On the 1st of August 2019, the Center will launch an Award for Distinguished Local Champions supporting the Global Goals.
  • At that event, a movie will be launched which was made by millennials and will be presented to educate and support the Global Goals. We have collaborated with the Program Director, Ivonny Zakaria. 

Congratulations to IPMI and Professor Amelia Naim for their great achievements and support of our AIM2Flourish program.