Faculty Feature: Kalle Lyytinen, department chair and professor of design and innovation

Kalle Lyytinen

Kalle Lyytinen, department chair and professor of design and innovation, has been named a top business and management scientist in Research.com’s 2022 edition, “Ranking of Top 1000 Scientists in the field of Business and Management.” Lyytinen ranked #34 in the United States and #63 in the world. 

The ranking is based on the H-index metric provided by Microsoft Academic and includes only leading scientists with an H-index of at least 30 for academic publications made in the area of business and management.

Lyytinen’s research interests broadly focus on the effects of digitizing on business and its organization. He has been published in over 300 publications in numerous journals.

Since joining Weatherhead School of Management in 2001, his teaching interests have focused on digital innovation theory, new business ventures, design theory and methods, research methods and theory.

From his current research projects to some of his favorite things about Cleveland, get to know more about Lyytinen.

What has been your favorite part of this semester so far? 

To return back to the school and have real classroom interactions and dialogue with the students. We also passed 100 PhD degrees in our residence based PhD option, which is a major landmark. Would have never thought that I would see that day. 

What are you currently working on?

I recently published a couple initial articles around how innovation has changed during deep digitalization and how it is shaping competition. I am currently working with a number of colleagues on writing a more theoretical analysis of the foundations of digital strategy and especially how it applies ongoing platformization. A few weeks ago I also published a report on autonomous vehicles, which analyzes potential pathways and how the field will advance in the next five to ten years. There is a lot of hype but less careful analysis of how these innovations will shape our transportation systems.

What has been your greatest challenge and greatest reward so far with teaching?

The greatest challenge was different teaching dynamics and the level of engagement in classes. I have also learned greatly about the diligence and care that so many faculty at Weatherhead place on teaching and especially on learning outcomes. My greatest reward has been in teaching doctoral courses and working with a large number of very smart and experienced doctoral students during my tenure here.

What are some of your favorite things about Cleveland?

Cleveland has several wonderful suburbs, park systems and great cultural institutions–this shows the great civic legacy this city has. I have been a strong patron and frequent attendant to the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra concerts from the start. It’s unbelievable to have an orchestra of such caliber in this city–many local people just do not understand what this means! The concert experience is no different if you go to a concert in Vienna, Berlin, London or Amsterdam–I’ve done most of those too.  

What do you love most about Case Western Reserve University?

Good colleagues, high intellectual standards and a great tradition of collaboration.

View the Research.com list of top business and management scientists.

Read more about Lyytinen.