Fowler Center Leads Experiential Learning Project with MBAI Students

MBAI Layer Zero Project

Experiential learning provides graduate students with real-world projects in their field of study. Combine these hands-on opportunities with the chance to reduce carbon emissions, and students can become true changemakers.  This past semester, MBAI students were able to oversee such a project.
The Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit collaborated with the master’s in business analytics and intelligence department to allow students to work on "sustainability analytics" projects with LayerZero Power Systems, a local company run by an MBA alumnus, Milind Bhanoo. It was all part of the Fowler Center’s Business for World Benefit Clinic.
The team of five students started by creating a framework for data collection and reporting of emissions through a series of dashboards.  Options were then presented to LayerZero to decide which approach would be best.  The project included 10-weeks of weekly check-ins Megan Buchter from the Fowler Center and Jack Dey from LayerZero to review their progress. Cole Mellino from Blue CSR Strategies also offered his support as a coach for the MBAI team to answer questions about best practices for calculating carbon emissions.
The Fowler Center is looking forward to not only continuing the relationship with LayerZero but also to expanding their Business for World Benefit Clinic further in the fall semester to take on more clients with similar sustainability and ESG reporting needs.