Staff spotlight: Kim Owens

Kim Owens

No matter what program you are completing or what department you work in at the Peter B. Lewis Building, there is one face that every Weatherhead School of Management student, faculty and staff member recognizes—Kim Owens. Even through her face mask, you can still see the broad smile that shines underneath.

Throughout her 27 years at Case Western Reserve University, 20 years of which she has spent at Weatherhead on the facility security team, she has seen many changes. But her favorite part of her job has remained the same, and that’s getting to talk with the students every day. A true mama bear at heart, Owens said she feels like their mother while they are away from home.

Her favorite memories are all the graduations she’s witnessed during her time at Weatherhead. “Seeing how happy the kids are and for them to introduce me to their parents; that is very special to me,” said Owens.

Aside from working at Weatherhead, Owens has another job and passion that not many people know about, and that’s crafting! She and her daughter opened an online shop nine years ago where they sell their crafts such as wreaths and tutus. She grew up watching her mom and grandma sew, so she believes creativity and crafting is in her genes.

When Owens is not working, you can find her with her family, which she says is her biggest life achievement. Within just minutes of talking with Owens, you can tell that her three children and four grandchildren are her pride and joy. “My dream, although they probably wouldn’t have it, would be to have all of us living in one big house so I could love on them all the time.”

A few fun facts:

  • Admittedly not a sports fan, Owens says she is a Cleveland fan through and through. “I am loyal to Cleveland. I love the Browns!”
  • Horror is her favorite movie genre.
  • Her favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because she gets to host and have all her family around.
  • She loves aquariums and makes a point to visit them when she travels.
  • Her dream vacation is Abu Dhabi.