Student Q&A with Josh Khorsandi

Portrait of Josh Khorsandi

Josh Khorsandi
Master of Business Administration and Doctor of Law 

Q: What are you up to this summer?
I have an internship with MRI Software.

Q: What are you working on in this internship?
I am working in the General Counsel's office to help the legal team maintain and process all of the corporation's legal needs. This includes contract drafting and editing, writing legal correspondence letters, such as breach letters and participating in client negotiations.

Q: What has been your favorite part of the internship so far?
Learning how the business makes its contracting decisions. For example, whether certain client contracts, based on client value to the company, should include certain provisions in their agreements with MRI.

Q: What are you most looking forward to getting out of this experience?
A solid experience working with a business's general counsel and to learn about the legal needs of a growing business.