Student Spotlight: Ashley Parham

Portrait of Ashley Parham

Ashley Parham
Major: Accounting
Minors: Psychology, finance and religious studies

Q: Why did you choose this area of study?

A: I had taken a few accounting classes in high school and had fallen in love with my classes. Though, when I got to CWRU I chose accounting as my major because I've always liked numbers and being able to interact with people. Accounting allowed me to have a foundation for entering the business world while also providing extensive possibilities and opportunities after college. 

Q: What are your plans after graduation?

A: I will be doing a summer internship with Ernst & Young in their Cleveland office in financial services assurance. For the 2022 to 2023 academic year I will be completing my Master of Accountancy degree in the professional track back at Weatherhead. After completing my masters, conditional on if I receive an offer or not, I am hoping to return to EY full time in their Cleveland office in their financial services assurance practice. 

Q: Why did you choose CWRU?

A: I chose CWRU for a couple reasons. The first reason was because I am originally from Pittsburgh, so CWRU wasn't too far away where I could visit my parents if I had wanted to. I also really liked the size of the school and the campus because I come from a relatively small school for my respective area, so it wasn't that huge of an adjustment. I wanted to be able to attend a school where when I'm walking to class, I don't know every single person but I would know at least one person that I passed. Lastly, I had received early admission to the Integrated Study Program in Accountancy when I was first admitted into CWRU and I had really loved the opportunity to be able to get my BS and MAcc at the same time. 

Q: What's your favorite memory of CWRU? 

A: My favorite memory was either having the opportunity to study abroad my sophomore year at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, for a semester or having been elected president to the accounting, finance, and information systems honorary organization, Beta Alpha Psi. It was a tremendous opportunity where I not only was able to meet a lot of other students but gain relationships with companies and firms within the area. It definitely was a great learning experience!

Q: As a graduating senior, what's one thing you'd like to share with incoming freshman? 

A: Definitely don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone when it comes to joining clubs and organizations. Looking back at my first year to where I am now, I would not have believed the amount of growth I've been able to experience while attending CWRU. An example is when I had gotten hired as a tour guide for the Undergraduate Admission Office. My first year I was extremely shy and did not have the best public speaking abilities. However, pushing myself to take the position allowed me to practice public speaking by having the opportunity to speak with families on a regular basis. It provided me with tremendous growth and opportunities that I would not have experienced if I hadn't stepped out of my comfort zone. This year I had the opportunity to be on the Leadership Team for the tour guide program!