Student Spotlight: Brittany Neish

Brittany Neish

Brittany Neish
Master of Science in Positive Organizational Development and Change 

Q: Why did you choose this area of study for an advanced degree?

A: In every single role that I've filled and every job that I've been a part of, the people have always been at the heart of it all for me. Even in my current job as a marketing director, the people come first. This program allows me to master team development and build manager excellence not only in my current organization, but in organizations I hope to consult with in the future. Additionally, I have my own business What You Do Matters - a positive platform for personal and professional growth. My advanced degree has helped me build credibility in my program curriculum. 

Q: What are your next steps?

A: My next steps are to continue to take what I've learned with my degree and apply it directly to my work in my 9 to 5 and in my own business. Additionally, I hope to become an adjunct professor, where I can teach team development and organizational flourishing to students. 

Q: What is your advice for a student starting a graduate or professional program at CWRU?

A: You are capable of so much more than you think you are! Before being accepted into the program I had a lot of self-doubt on whether I could balance the program with the rest of my very busy life or if I was even cut out to be a graduate student–was I smart enough? Could I do it? What I learned is that we are capable of so much more than we think we are!  If we set our mind to something and care, we can do it.