Student Spotlight: Jaya Jolly

Jaya Jolly

Jaya Jolly
Majors: Accounting and finance
Minor: Dance

Q: Why did you choose this area of study?

A: I always knew I wanted to study business, however, it wasn't until I took my first accounting course that I realized the importance of understanding the accounting language in the corporate world. Consequently, I declared accounting as my major and explored extracurricular activities that would challenge me outside of accounting. 

Early in my first year at Weatherhead, I joined The Weatherhead Fund, which piqued my interest in finance and the markets, ultimately inspiring me to pursue a secondary major in finance.

Finally, while accounting and finance challenged me intellectually, I knew something was missing in my life: dance. I decided to continue pursuing my passion by working towards a dance minor and learning a new dance style. 

Q: What are your plans after graduation?

A: Upon graduation, I will pursue my master's degree in accounting at New York University and receive my CPA before working in mergers and acquisitions at Deloitte in New York City. 

Q: Why did you choose CWRU?

A: I ended up choosing CWRU because of the flexibility in switching or adding majors without applying separately to the respective school. Thanks to this unique offering, I double majored in accounting and finance and minored in dance. Additionally, I liked the urban feel of the campus and was excited to explore a new city. 

Q: What's your favorite memory of CWRU? 

A: My favorite memory at CWRU was hosting my younger brother on campus and showing him the ropes of college life. I enjoyed introducing him to my friends, providing a tour of Weatherhead, and taking him to The Cleveland Museum of Art, followed by dinner in Little Italy.

Q: As a graduating senior, what's one thing you'd like to share with incoming freshman? 

A: I would advise first-year students to get involved in a few clubs that challenge them academically and creatively. You will find that some organizations are more meaningful to you than others, so stick to the ones you care for and are willing to commit your time to. Challenge yourself to take on leadership roles and enjoy meeting different people with similar interests.