Student Spotlight: Natalie Weida

Natalie Weida

Natalie Weida
Majors: Business management (innovation and entrepreneurship track) 

Q: Why did you choose this area of study?

A: The business management degree provides a base for a variety of career paths and I wanted to be well versed across the board in business disciplines to be well prepared for any path I decide to take.

Q: What are your plans after graduation?

A: Management Consulting at Cohen & Company.

Q: Why did you choose CWRU?

A: CWRU felt like a community of intelligent and kind hearted individuals that I knew I would grow with and learn from in my undergraduate degree.

Q: What's your favorite memory of CWRU? 

A: I have far too many to pick a single favorite, but many of my favorite memories are small moments like watching the sunset at the top of the parking garage, spending time with my sorority sisters, or laughing until I cry with my roommates.  

Q: As a graduating senior, what's one thing you'd like to share with incoming freshman? 

A: Prioritize building relationships with your faculty and peers. You are surrounded by people that will one day be part of your network. These people will get you jobs, become business partners, be of assistance when you need anything personally or professionally. You can get the best education in the world, but it is the relationship network that will propel you forward to success.