Student Spotlight: Nevada Todt

Nevada Todt

Nevada Todt
Master of Finance in Financial Big Data Analytics

Q: Why did you choose this area of study for an advanced degree?

A: I chose this area of study for various reasons. Having interests in investment banking, FinTech, public finance, and research, I felt this degree would provide the best opportunity to achieve my goals and get involved. I firmly believe many areas can be improved throughout the finance industry. The ability to solve these problems and make meaningful progress without having a solid technical foundation and specialized training or mentorship is becoming increasingly difficult if it wasn’t already. Most importantly, finance, generally speaking, is something I spend a lot of time thinking about, so naturally, I felt it made the most sense to pursue a degree that would provide future flexibility in pursuing these endeavors.

Q: What are your next steps?

A: With the understanding that my next steps are crucial, they will likely take more time than anticipated. These steps include a future deployment with the Ohio Army National Guard in a Finance leadership role and additional army training while balancing civilian developmental courses. With my goals in mind, I am adamant about pursuing a PhD with the end goal of becoming a financial data scientist focusing on investments and technology.

Q: What is your favorite memory at CWRU?

A: My favorite memory at CWRU was my first day attending classes in person after a delayed start and taking classes online my first semester. I vividly remember walking around campus trying to observe all that I could before it got dark. I was in awe by the architecture of various buildings throughout campus. It was a pleasure to be attending in person finally.

Q: What is your advice for a student starting a graduate or professional program at CWRU?

A: Get involved early on, even if you are unsure of a particular club or activity. One thing always leads to the next, and you will know whether something is the right fit when you get there. With that said, don’t be afraid to make a change or choose one activity over another once you do get involved. The relationships you build will only help you. If you feel lost, ask for help, whether that involves personal matters or achieving your goals. You are here for a reason, so make the time count! The faculty are sincerely here to help, so be respectful at all times. This includes responding to emails, completing surveys, and attending events! Finally, create a plan of action, review, and continuously revise as time moves on. Build good habits and study hard, but don’t waste time solidifying a 97% in a class you know you will ace over attending a critical networking event.