Student Spotlight: Shaun Furter

Shaun Furter

Shaun Furter
Major: Marketing

Q: Why did you choose this area of study?

A: Marketing came about as the best of both worlds. It utilized my technical skills from my previous engineering courses while utilizing my artistic creativity and ability to think outside the box. It was the happy medium of exploration and security. 

Q: What are your plans after graduation?

A: I am planning on working in the arts industry as a marketing manager and administrator. I want to utilize my talents to spread the joy and wonder of the arts to people who have not experienced it before. 

Q: Why did you choose CWRU?

A: I chose CWRU because of its flexibility and opportunities. I was given room to explore and change my mind, which I greatly appreciated because I never would have discovered my current path. 

Q: What's your favorite memory of CWRU? 

A: Performing with my two best friends in CWRU Footlighters' musical last semester. It was the last time the three of us got to perform together, and it was the most beautiful send off for our time together. 

Q: As a graduating senior, what's one thing you'd like to share with incoming freshman? 

A: Don't get so caught up in the future and what will happen after school that you forget to enjoy the moments and people around you now.