Student Spotlight: Varun Thachil

Photograph of student Varun Thachil

Varun Thachil
Majors: Business management with a concentration in healthcare management
Minors: Biology and chemistry

Q: Why did you choose this area of study?

A: American healthcare is very complex and has several different players involved, making it tough to understand. I want to learn more about how healthcare works in the U.S. at the systems level and understand why medical costs are becoming outrageously high. The topics of health insurance, health policy, and health economics interest me because people's lives are directly at stake and each decision is of utmost importance. 

Q: What are your plans after graduation?

A: As of now, I will be working full time as a government health consulting analyst at Mercer in Atlanta, Georgia. I will be helping different states manage and improve their Medicaid health insurance program. 

Q: Why did you choose CWRU?

A: I came to college interested in healthcare, and CWRU has significant resources in their healthcare management and life sciences departments. Plus I received an academic scholarship to attend here. 

Q: What's your favorite memory of CWRU? 

A: Seeing the autumn tree colors on the quad for the first time in my freshman year.

Q: As a graduating senior, what's one thing you'd like to share with incoming freshman? 

A: Follow your passions, be patient for results, and don't be afraid to jump out of your comfort zone along the way!