Weatherhead Joins the American College of Healthcare Executives Higher Education Network

The Weatherhead School of Management announced today its partnership with the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) as the school joins the ACHE Higher Education Network.

Weatherhead joins the network on behalf of the Master of Science in Management – Healthcare program, the healthcare management concentration in the Full-time MBA program and the Executive MBA healthcare track.

In its newly released 2020 Strategic Plan, the school has committed to building excellence in the healthcare management industry, as illustrated by this recent partnership.

As a member of this network, the school will have organizational access, at no cost, to Healthcare Executive, the Journal of Healthcare Management and Frontiers of Health Services Management–three top-tier journals in the industry.  Weatherhead will also receive discounted access to attend the annual Congress on Healthcare Leadership and will be provided with web-based tools and services for establishing healthcare student organizations.

“This partnership indicates an actionable commitment on behalf of Weatherhead to fully engage with ACHE for our graduate students to garner the benefits of such collaboration as a prominent national educational institution with healthcare management programs,” said Philip Cola, associate professor of design and innovation and program director of the new partnership. “It also solidifies Weatherhead's presence in both the nationally recognized and the local healthcare community.”

Current graduate students are encouraged to join ACHE as student associates, a professional organization designed for students to continue to learning, growing and networking on a national level. Upon graduation, students will be eligible to become members of ACHE, allowing the same opportunities to be available to alumni of these programs.

The partnership also gives the school access to student-centered events hosted at other higher education institutions that include educational programming, career networking, and access to a larger community of healthcare organizations in the region.

Learn more about the Online MBA in Healthcare Management program.

Learn more about the Full-time MBA program.

Learn more about the Executive MBA program.