Welcome to Weatherhead: Cassidy McMahan, conference services and programs manager

Cassidy McMahan

In November, Cassidy McMahan started at Weatherhead School of Management as the conference services and programs manager. In her new role, McMahan will be in charge of managing reservations and details for programs and events hosted at the George S. Dively Building, coordinating human, material, and facilities resources to support program needs, and assuring facilitators and participants alike have an excellent experience.

Previous to this role, McMahan was managing a summer jobs program for Cleveland youth at a local nonprofit.

Get to know more about her:

What makes you most excited about joining Weatherhead?

Having the opportunity to learn and grow through working alongside so many talented individuals. 

What do you love most about Cleveland?

I love that Cleveland is home to such a diverse array of people and cultures and has the perfect balance of having a small town midwestern vibe with big city perks like great sports, music, food, etc. 

Share something about you!

I love to travel, make ceramics, and cook and I have a wiener dog named Noodle! My favorite restaurant in Cleveland right now is probably a toss up between Fat Cats or LJ Shanghai!