Welcome to Weatherhead: Kiara Vance, assistant director of admissions

Kiara Vance

Kiara Vance joined Weatherhead this month as assistant director of admissions.  She has worked in diverse sectors, including real estate and non-profits, and has extensive hand-on experience in student involvement and community outreach.

Get to know more about her:

What makes you most excited about joining Weatherhead? 

I am excited to collaborate and ignite growth with future changemakers like Weatherhead's current and prospective students, as well as my new colleagues. The energy here really inspired me during my interview process, and I am thankful to now be a part of that. 

What do you look forward to exploring in Cleveland? 

I live on the Westside of town with my partner, and I am always amazed at the number of outdoor activities that exist in Cleveland for all weather types. However, most of that experience has not been on this side or in this part of the city, so I am looking forward to exploring more of the culture and community that exists within Weatherhead, CWRU, and beyond the walls of our building. 

Share something that interests you. 

I am really interested in how AI and automation systems can be used to not only increase leads and efficiency within everchanging recruitment efforts, but also increase our ability to build trust and strong relationships with current AND prospective students from inquiry to graduation and beyond.