Through the generous support of PPG, the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women supports several students each year in their pursuit of undergraduate research and creative endeavors via SOURCE.

Students apply for funding through the SOURCE office must designate WISER or the Mather Center if they wish to be considered for the associated grant. To be considered for the grant, students must be current members of WISER.

Applications are reviewed by a committee of staff and faculty advisors who consider the applications according to the strength of the project proposal, connection to educational and career goals, and strength of the faculty recommendation, among other factors. 

Awardees are required to submit a report summarizing their experiences with their summer research or creative endeavor, as well as a photo of them in the lab or at work. Funds are limited and we are not able to award all applicants. 

For details on eligibility and the application process, please see the SOURCE website or contact