Theme 4: Extend Our Outreach, Engagement, and Impact through Campus and Community Collaboration, and Partnerships

(Enables CWRU Pathways 1, 3, and 4)

KSL is the knowledge and creativity commons of the campus. We develop partnerships to enhance available expertise and provide impactful services, programs, and resources. The KSL library crosses all disciplines and enables the campus, the University Circle, and the broader community to build synergies and connections which results in new discoveries and innovation.


  • Build connections with students and meet them where they are.
  • Establish a partnership with the Office of Research, UTech, and others to address rankings and research impact services.
  • Work with International Affairs and Office of Research and Technology Management to develop and propose a research support strategy to improve rankings and make bibliometric data accessible.
  • Build a campus outreach program to coordinate the current instruction program, consider connections with SAGES and the new GER (library course HUMN 212), the first year experience, student success, the AI Task Force, and other relevant programs and curriculum.
  • Implement an opt-in open access pilot for faculty and explore other opportunities to increase open scholarship.
  • Consider developing graduate and undergraduate certificate programs built from this training in specialized areas to share with the campus and broader community.