Digital Scholarship at CWRU

Digital scholarship is the application of digital tools and methods to explore data in new ways and advance the creation and communication of scholarship.  The Freedman Center is a space where the Digital Scholarship Team brings expertise and technology together to work with others in interdisciplinary, collaborative, and experimental ways.

KSL's Freedman Center for Digital Scholarship provides:

  • Technology Space where CWRU students, faculty, and staff access  multimedia and digitization hardware and software.
  • Collaboration Commons which provides space for students, faculty and staff for collaboration and learning.

The Digital Scholarship Team provides:

  • Project consultations for CWRU faculty and students interested in embarking on digital scholarship projects (contact us at
  • Educational opportunities in the use of digital scholarship-related tools and pedagogy through our workshops and classes
  • Funding opportunities for CWRU faculty and students
  • Events such as colloquia, instruction sessions, and workshops that equip researchers with knowledge of trends in the area of technology and scholarly research
  • Research data assistance
    • Assistance with GIS programs
    • Assistance with programming languages such as R and Python
    • Research Data Management instruction and resources. View the dedicated RDM support page here.
  • Support for publishing and sharing open access research
    • OSF (Open Science Framework) is an open source data storage and project collaboration platform that is available to host and share data, papers, and files with the academic community. For further details on OSF and how to get started, visit our research guide on the topic
    • Scholarly Commons @ CWRU houses scholarly and creative content produced by CWRU faculty, staff, and students. The content in this online repository is provided freely to anyone across the world. For more information, visit our About page or Contact Us.


We drive cutting-edge scholarship by developing creative solutions, building community, and promoting equitable access to research and knowledge.


We aspire to be recognized as the leading partnership-driven destination for creativity, discovery, and experimental scholarship.

Our Team Values

  • providing an inclusive, equitable, diverse, and anti-racist culture that enables all people to feel heard, empowered, valued and welcomed.
  • understanding for the diverse ways that people create information, access it, and disseminate it across a variety of communities.
  • supporting an ethical approach to research that balances advancing human knowledge with rights to privacy.
  • encouraging scientific and humanistic inquiry and using digital scholarship to explore problems and investigate solutions.
  • contextualizing content especially when addressing sensitive research that may impact people’s lives.
  • offering equitable recognition for contributions, labor, and participation regardless of standing.
  • collaborating across all disciplines.
  • enriching remote learning opportunities that are accessible to anyone, from anywhere, at any time.
  • pursuing lifelong learning, self-education and pushing technical boundaries and exploring interdisciplinary concepts.
  • exploring the transformative impact of new media on research and digital literacy
    using technology to strengthen the clarity of information.
  • educating the community about Open Access as a human and civil right.
  • understanding that our scholarly work may impact our local communities in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio and our global communities, academic and nonacademic.


Contact Us

The Digital Scholarship Team welcomes your questions and input from CWRU students, staff, and faculty. You may e-mail us at or give us a call at (216) 368-0932.