Cover Letter Checklist

Cover letters are a great way to make a first impression. For each of the sections of your cover letter, remember to:

  • Address your letter to a particular person. If you haven't done this, have you done some research to find out a specific person to whom it should be addressed?
  • Confirm the spelling of the recipient's name.
  • Use the appropriate title for the recipient.
  • Use a colon following the salutation.
  • Indicate exactly what position you are applying for and how you found out about the opening.
  • State clearly why you are interested in the position and the organization.
  • Provide specific examples of skills related to the position.
  • Present your letter in a form that is neat and attractive.
  • Avoid rewriting your resume.
  • Vary the sentence structure.
  • Limit the use of "I" and "My" at the start of each sentence.
  • Express appreciation for the employer's consideration of your application.
  • Tell the employer what you can do for the organization rather than what it can do for you.
  • Create an original letter rather than a mass-produced copy.
  • Spell every word correctly and use crisp diction.
  • Verify the grammar, syntax, punctuation and capitalization throughout your letter.
  • Convey confidence without seeming arrogance.
  • Sign your name in blue or black ink.
  • Print your letter on bond paper using a high-quality printer.