Pre-Health Advising

Healthcare is one of the most emergent and dynamic career fields you can enter. It is also a demanding one that requires a lot of planning and exploration. A rich and diverse undergraduate experience in and out of the classroom is essential for admission to professional health science schools and graduate programs.

Healthcare Careers advising is available through the Career Center. Healthcare Careers advisors work with CWRU undergraduate students and alumni seeking careers in the health professions. Schedule an appointment using My Journey.

Students in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program should work with advisors in the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing. The advisors help students select appropriate courses based on their academic and professional goals and seek out opportunities to gain experience in their chosen profession.

Healthcare Options

Pre-Med/Pre-Health Canvas Course

Pre-med and pre-health students are invited to enroll in the self-paced Canvas course, "Medical School Application Process and Preparation." Despite the title, this course is intended to support all pre-health students, including pre-dental, pre-physician assistant, and others, as they consider how to be a competitive applicant. This on-demand, self-guided resource contains much of the information discussed during advising events and appointments. 

Enroll in the Canvas course.

While anyone can enroll in and complete the assignments found in the Canvas course, completing the course is a requirement for pre-medical and pre-dental students the year they intend to apply for a composite letter packet. Visit the Composite Letter Services page for more information about applying for a composite letter packet.

Composite Letter Services

CWRU undergraduate students and recent alumni who are applying to medical or dental school may apply for a Composite Letter Packet to be submitted by a healthcare careers advisor. The packet consists of individual letters of recommendation from faculty, professional mentors and supervisors, and a letter of evaluation from a healthcare careers advisor. Visit the Composite Letter Services page for instructions on how to apply for a composite letter packet for the current application cycle and to submit letters of recommendation.

Additional Support Services

In addition to advising, you may want to access other resources on campus for support in your career exploration and application preparation. The Career Lab provides general career advice as you explore your career options and need assistance with resume and cover letter preparation. Career consultants in The Career Center can provide more in-depth career assistance through mock interviews for professional health science schools or graduate programs. The Writing Resource Center offers one-on-one assistance with drafting personal statements for applications to professional programs.