If you have a commodity that has neither a strategic partner nor a preferred vendor, find the commodity from the list below and contact the purchasing agent to make a purchase. If you have any questions, contact customer service at customercareteam-pds@case.edu or buying@case.edu.
Commodity / Category Code | Purchasing Agent | Phone |
CIP category codes | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
AFF affiliate category codes | Xueying Houston | 216.368.0941 |
MRO category codes | John Revay | 216.368.0917 |
20L and >Flammable/Hazardous | Andrea Longstreet | 216-368.2568 |
Advertising | Sheila Wright | 216.368.1992 |
Affiliate Alcohol | Andrea Longstreet | 216-368.2568 |
Affiliate Research Supplies | Andrea Longstreet | 216-368.2568 |
Appliances | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Art and Music Supplies | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Arts and Crafts | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Athletics - Recreation and Sporting | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Audio Visual Equipment and Supplies | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Awards, Plaques, Trophies, Apparel | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Books | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Catering On and Off-Campus | Mary Luberger | 216.368.1666 |
Catering/Event Supplies/Serv | Mary Luberger | 216.368.1666 |
Chemical Orders | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2570 |
Coffee Service | Mary Luberger | 216.368.1666 |
Computer Equipment/Software/Related Supplies/Maintenance | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Computer Lease Administration | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Contracts (independent contractor agreements) | Sheila Wright | 216.368.1993 |
Controlled Substances (research and veterinary) | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2570 |
Copier, Facsimile Equipment and Typewriter | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Custodial Services | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Custodial Supplies and Equipment | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Dental Equipment/Supplies | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2570 |
Dry Ice | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2568 |
Electronic Equipment and Supplies | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Equipment Rentals | Sheila Wright | 216.368.1992 |
Equipment Rentals (events) | Mary Luberger | 216.368.1666 |
Federal Express Supplies | mailroom@case.edu | 216.368.2565 |
Food or Beverage (for office) | Mary Luberger | 216.368.1666 |
Furniture | John Revay | 216.368.0917 |
Hardware and Tools | John Revay | 216.368.0917 |
Hotels/Lodging | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Industrial Supplies | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Internal Lease Administration | Sheila Wright | 216.368.1992 |
Leases Computer Related (non-real estate) | John Revay | 216.368.0917 |
Leases Facilities Related (non-real estate) | John Revay | 216.368.0917 |
Leases Research Related (non-real estate) | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2568 |
Library Supplies | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
License Agreements Computer Related | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
License Agreements Facilities | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Maintenance Research Related Agreements | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2568 |
Maintenance Computer and Related Agreements | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Maintenance Facilities Related Agreements | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Maintenance Supplies | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Medical-Surgical-Pharmaceutical Supplies | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2570 |
Membership Dues / Organizations | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Microscopes and Microscope Devices | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2568 |
Moving Program | John Revay | 216.368.0917 |
Office Supplies | Staples Advantage | staples@case.edu |
Periodicals/Reprints | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Photographic/X-Ray Materials and Films | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2568 |
Plant Construction Services | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Plant Service Contracts | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Plant Stockroom Supplies | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Printing | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Procurement Cards | Ray-Albert Noscal | 216.368.2560 |
Promotional Products | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Radioactive Products | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2568 |
Recurring Voucher Payments | John Revay | 216.368.0917 |
Repairs | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2568 |
Research Gasses, Equipment, and Related Supplies | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2568 |
Safety Supplies and Equipment | John Revay | 216.368.0917 |
Scientific Equipment and Supplies | Andrea Longstreet | 216.368.2568 |
Security Supplies, Services, and Equipment | John Revay | 216.368.0917 |
Subscriptions | Debbie Gray | 216.368.8540 |
Vehicle Purchases and Licensing | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Vehicle Rentals | Thomas Bassett | 216.368.2585 |
Water Service (for drinking) | Mary Luberger | 216.368.1666 |