Religious Holidays


Any student who is unable to attend classes or participate in any examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day because of his or her religious beliefs is excused from any such activity. The student will be given the opportunity to make up the examination or work that is missed, provided that the make-up work does not create any unreasonable burden upon the University. When possible, students should give notice to instructors early in the semester about missing class because of a religious observance.
Source: Office of Student Affairs

Faculty should accommodate any student who is unable to attend class or participate in any examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day because of his or her religious beliefs. The student will be given the opportunity to make up the examination or work that was missed, provided that the make-up work does not create an unreasonable burden upon the University. Faculty should request that students give notice to instructors as early as possible in the semester.
Source: Faculty Handbook, Chapter 4, Article XVII


To assist faculty and students in the planning of courses, assignments, and other activities, we provide the following links to information about the dates of religious holidays:

“Interfaith Calendar” at

“Calendar of Religious Holidays and Observance” from the University of Washington at

In making plans, please note the following:

  • There may be some religious traditions not represented on these calendars.
  • In some religious traditions, holidays begin at sundown on the evening before the dates given.
  • In some religious traditions, local and regional customs may create some variation in the date of observance of certain holidays, or the dates may not be fixed but rather based on actual sighting of the moon.
  • Not all of the holidays and observances listed are associated with work restrictions that will interfere with class attendance.

Members of the CWRU community are expected to act in good faith when seeking accommodations and when responding to those requests.