Understanding Grading

Viewing Your Grades

For instructions on how to view your grades, see our guide Viewing Grades and GPA.


Grade Meaning and Quality Points

See Grading and Transcript Keys for current and historical grades, meanings and quality points.


Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation

Grade point averages are calculated by multiplying the number equivalent of the letter grade by the number of credit hours for the course (this yields grade points) and then dividing by the total number of credit hours. The semester grade point average is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned at the University during a given semester by the sum of the credit hours for all courses in which the student received letter grades of A, B, C, D or F taken at the University during that same semester.


Letter Grade Number Equivalents
A 4
B 3
C 2
D 1
F 0


GPA = Quality Points divided by Credit Hours


Course Credit Hrs Grade Quality Points
MATH 100 4 A 16 (4x4)
CHEM 100 3 C 6 (3x2)
ENGL 100 3 B 9 (3x3)
ANTH 100 3 A 12 (3x4)
BIOL 100 2 F 0 (2x0)
MUSC 100 1 P 0 (n/a not an evaluative grade)


Total GPA Credit Hours = 15
Total Quality Points = 43

GPA = 43/15 = 2.867 
(because MUSC 100 has a grade of "P" it is not included in credit hours for GPA calculation)


Electing Pass/No Pass

Undergraduate students should follow the instructions in our Undergraduate Pass/No Pass guide.


Plus/Minus Grading

Some graduate programs in the College of Arts and Sciences use plus/minus grading. Visit CAS Graduate Plus-Minus Grading to see the full list of participating programs.