Class Schedulers' Newsletter - Volume 5

This newsletter seeks to answer some of your common questions about accessing student data in SIS as well as bring you timely updates and information. This volume's topics include:


Summer and Fall 2022 Deadline Reminder

The deadline for updating Summer and Fall 2022 class information and for notifying the appropriate individual or office is February 1, 2022. Upon completion of your review and edits, please notify the appropriate individual as follows:


Editing Reminders

When making class edits for Summer and Fall 2022, please pay careful attention to items that rolled forward from 2021 that may no longer be applicable.

  • Please make sure all section numbers correspond to the delivery method of the course (in-person classes start with 100 section numbers).
  • Please be sure to review and correct any instruction modes, facility IDs, and class notes that may make reference to a remote section in Summer or Fall 2021, that will now be in-person.
  • Please review enrollment limits to ensure they accurately reflect the number of students who may need to take a class based on increasing entering class sizes.


Class Fees

If your department offers classes that require fees other than:

  • costs for required textbooks that are shared via the University Bookstore's site
  • fees that are attached to courses such that they appear on student bills

please indicate the amount and description of the fee in Class Notes for each section. Students have requested that this information be available before registration. This information is also critical for maintaining compliance with requirements to be transparent about costs of attendance.


Combined Section Change

When you are editing combined sections in Maintain SOC, there is now an easier way to make the changes across all sections. Make any necessary edits on the section you are viewing, then save your edits.

Next, click the Combined Section link on the Meetings tab.

Screenshot of Maintain Schedule of Classes Meetings tab with red arrow indicating Combined Secion link.


Next to the subject of each section, you will see a red triangle.

Screenshot of Maintain Schedule of Classes Combined Section Detail with red arrow indicating red triangle.


Right click the red triangle, then select Maintain Schedule of Classes. This opens a search page with the term, subject, and catalog number populated.

Click Search and confirm that you're viewing the correct section, make any necessary edits, then Save.

Screenshot of Maintain Schedule of Classes Combined Section Detail with red arrow indicating Maintain Schedule of Classes link.


Send questions about SOC scheduling to