Permissions Newsletter - Volume 10

Topics include:


Granting Permissions En Masse

If you want to grant permissions to multiple students and don't need to add unique comments for each student, you can grant them all at once.

  1. Select the checkbox to the left of the student’s name (or select the checkbox to the left of Student/ID to select all students).
  2. Click the arrow to the right of Actions, and select Grant Selected.

Please note:

  • Only the permission the student requested will be granted. If an additional permission, such as Closed Class, is now required, it will not automatically be added through the Actions menu.

  • If the student is enrolled in the class and is requesting a time conflict permission, you will not be able to grant it through the Actions menu.

  • If you receive the message “No grants could be applied,” or “Some grants applied, some could not be applied,” click the button in the Update Status column where you will receive a message regarding why a permission couldn't be granted.


Sorting and Filtering Permissions

  • Permissions are sorted by default in descending order of the last time the permission changed (Updated On).
  • To sort on a different field, click the button with up and down arrows. Click once on the field to sort in ascending order, and again to sort in descending order. When you have the sort order selected, click the “x” to the right of Sort.
  • To filter requests by class, a permission requested, or a specific population of students, click the Filter icon to the left of Actions, and use the drop down boxes to narrow your results, then click Done.
  • To clear selected filters, click the Filter icon again, and click Reset, then click Done.


Manually Adding a Permission

If a student contacts you directly for permission before registering, you can manually add a permission for a class.

  1. From the Faculty Home page, click the My Schedule & Rosters tile.
  2. Select Permission Requests (Add) from the left-hand menu.
  3. Choose the term for the class.
  4. Click Add Permission Request in the upper right.
  5. Enter the student’s 7-digit ID number in the Student ID field, or use the magnifying glass to search for the student.
  6. Enter the class number in the Class Nbr field, or use the magnifying glass to search for the class.


For complete instructions on reviewing and responding to permission requests see Reviewing Permission Requests.

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