Subject Codes

This is a list of all subject codes used at CWRU. Not all subject codes are still in use. It is necessary to maintain this table in its entirety for purposes of maintaining historical records.

Subject Description
AFST African/African Amer Studies
ABLE Ability Based Learning Environ
ACAD University Program
ACCM Anesthesiology & Critical Care
ACCT Accounting
ACES Acad & Comput Excellence Sem
ADHT Adolescent Health
ADVC Advanced Core
AIOM Asian Inst of Mgt, Philippines
AIQS Academic Inquiry Seminar
AKKD Akkadian
AMST American Studies
ANAT Anatomy
ANEE Ancient Near East and Egyptian Studies
ANES Anesthesiology
ANTH Anthropology
APMU Applied Music
ARAB Arabic
ARSC College Scholars Program
ARTH Art History
ARTK Computers in Visual Arts
ARTS Art Studio
ASCV Asian Civilization
ASIA Asian Studies
ASTR Astronomy
BAFI Banking & Finance
BASC Basic Science Curriculum
BETH Bioethics
BIOC Biochemistry
BIOL Biology
BIOM Biometry
BIOS Bioscience Entrepreneurship
BLAW Business Law
BOCR Basics of Clinical Reasoning
BSTP Biomedical Sciences Train Prog
BTEC Business Technology
CAPG Core Academic Program
CARD Cardiology
CARE Primary Care Courses
CBIO Cellular & Molecular Biology
CFNU Community Frontier Nursing
CH Chemistry
CHEM Chemistry
CHIN Chinese
CHST Childhood Studies
CIAR Cleveland Institute of Art
CLBY Cell Biology
CLIN Clinical Curriculum
CLMI Clinical Med & Internships
CLSC Classics
CMED Clinical Medicine - CCLCM
CMPL Comparative Literature
CMPS Computing/Information Science
CNCR Cancer Center
COGS Cognitive Science
COLS Graduate Summer Research
COMP Patient Based Clinicl Cmprhnsv
COOP Cooperative Education
COPE Copenhagen Bus. Schl, Denmark
CORE Core Clinical Medicine
COSI Communication Sciences
CRSP Clinical Research Scholars Prg
CSDS Computer and Data Sciences
DANC Dance
DART Dramatic Arts
DENC Dentistry - Clinical
DEND Dentistry - Didactic
DENF Dentistry - Faculty
DENT Dentistry
DERM Dermatology
DESN Design & Innovation
DGMS General Medical Sciences
DMLL Modern Languages & Literature
DNDO Endodontics
DORL Oral Medicine
DPED Pediatric Dentistry
DPER Periodontics
DPHC Dental Public Health
DRTH Orthodontics
DSCI Data Science
DSPR Disease Processes
DSRE Disease & Restoration of Hlth
EBME Biomedical Engineering
ECES Electrical Engr & Comp Sci
ECHE Chemical Engineering
ECIV Civil Engineering
ECLE Early Clinical Experience
ECMP Computer Engineering
ECON Economics
ECSE Electr., Computer, Systems Eng
EDAB Education Abroad
EDJC Education - John Carroll Univ
EDMP Executive Doctor of Management
EDUC Education
EEAP Elec Engr & Applied Physics
EECS Electrical Engr & Comp Sci
EEPS Earth, Environ & Planetary Sci
EFDA Expanded Function Dental Aux
EFTS Fluid and Thermal Science
EIND Industrial Engineering
EMAC Macromolecular/Polymer Science
EMAE Mechanical & Aerospace Engr
EMBA Executive MBA
EMCH Mechanical Engineering
EMMD Emergency Med & Intensive Care
EMMS Metallurgy & Materials Science
EMSE Materials Science & Engineerng
ENDO Endocrinology
ENG English
ENGD Engineering Drawing
ENGL English
ENGR Engineering Science
ENTP Entrepreneurship
EPBI Epidemiology & Biostatistics
EPOM Pract Oriented Engr Mast Prog
EQUI Out-of-Town Equivalency
ERAS Erasmus Univ, Netherlands
ERTH Earth Sciences
ESAD Esade Business School, Spain
ESCI Systems Ctrl & Industrial Engr
ESMD Solid Mech, Struct & Mech Des
ESTD Environmental Studies
ESYS Systems Engineering
ETHC Ethics
ETHS Ethnic Studies
EVHS Environmental Health Studies
EXAM Examination Master/Ph.D.
EXCH International Exchange Program
FAMC Family Medicine Core
FAMD Family Medicine
FRCH French
FRSS Freshman Special Studies
FSAE First Seminar Academic English
FSCC First Seminar Common Curric
FSCS First Seminar Cont Semester
FSNA First Seminar Natural World
FSSO First Seminar Social World
FSSY First Seminar Symbolic World
FSTS First Seminar Transfer Supplem
FTEC FinTech
FUND Fundesem Bus Schl, Spain
GAST Gastroenterology
GEMD Geriatric Medicine
GENE Genetics
GEOG Geography
GEOL Geology
GEOM Geographic Medicine
GERI Geriatric Medicine
GERM German
GERO Gerontological Studies
GRAD Graduate Studies
GREK Greek
GRMN German
GTOX Genetic Toxicology
HBRW Hebrew
HDEV Interdisc Prog: Hum Developmnt
HEAL Health Science
HEMA Hematology/Oncology
HEWB Health & Well-Being
HIER Egyptian Hieroglyphs
HLTH Community Health
HPSC History & Philosophy of Sci
HS Humanities and Social Studies
HSED Health Sciences Education
HSMC Health Systems Management
HSST Hist of Science & Technology
HSTY History
HUMN Humanities
HWDP Health Disease and Processes
IBIS Integrated Biological Sciences
IBMS Integrated Biological Studies
IDHS Interdisciplinary Health Stud
IDRL Industrial Relations
IECS IECS Strasbourg, France
IHSC Interdisciplinary Health Sci
IIME Inst for Integr of Mgmt & Engr
IMED Internal Medicine
IMMU Immunology & Infectious Dis
INCA Incae in Alajuela, Costa Rica
INQU Inquiry
INTH International Health
INTL International Studies
IPOD Positive Organztnl Devel-India
ITAL Italian
ITAM Ind Tech Inst of Mexico (Itam)
JAPN Japanese
JDST Judaic Studies
JRAB Junior Year Abroad
LAPP Law & Public Policy
LATN Latin
LCAN Canadian Law Courses
LDRS Leadership
LEAP Leadership Excel & Achieve
LEGL Legal Studies
LHRP Labor & Human Resource Policy
LIBS Library Science
LING Linguistics
LINS Law Summer Institute
LITR Literature
LLM LL.M. Tax Program
LMON Montreal Law Courses
LSAB Law School Study Abroad
M Mathematics
MAHE Maintenance of Health
MANC University of Manchester
MAND Mandel Center
MASS Medicine and Social Structures
MATH Mathematics
MBAP MBA Part Time Cohort
MBIO Molecular Biol & Microbiology
MEDC Medicine Core Clerkship
MEDG General Medicine
MEDS Medical Basic Science Curr
MEDT Medical Technology
MGAB Management Study Abroad
MGMT Management
MGRD Schl of Med Graduate Education
MIDS Information Systems
MILT SRV Military Services
MISC Miscellaneous
MKMR Marketing
MLIT Modern Foreign Lit & Mod Lang
MLSC Military Science
MMED Molecular Medicine
MONT Inst Tecn Estd Sup Mnt, Mexico
MPHP Public Health
MPOD Positive Organizational Devel
MRKM Marketing and Merchandising
MSBA MSM in Business Analytics
MSFC MSM in Finance-China
MSFI MSM in Finance
MSOD Manifestations of Disease
MSOR Master of Sci in Oper Research
MSPL Master of Sci in Pstve Ldrshp
MSTP Med Scientist Training Program
MUAP Applied Music
MUAR Music, Audio Recording
MUCP Music, Composition
MUDE Music, Dalcroze/Eurhythmics
MUED Music, Education
MUEN Music, Ensembles
MUGN Music, General/Misc
MUHI Music History
MULI Music Literature
MUPD Music, Pedagogy
MUPM Music, Popular
MURP Music, Repertoire
MUSC Music
MUSD Doctor Musical Arts
MUSP Music, Secondary Performance
MUTH Music Theory
MVIR Molecular Virology Train Prog
NEUM Neurological Medicine
NEUR Neurosciences
NEUS Neurosurgery
NORG Norwegian Schl of Mgmt, Norway
NSCI Neuroscience
NTRN Nutrition
NUAN Nursing Anesthesiology
NUED Nursing Education
NUMN Master of Nursing
NUND Doctor of Nursing
NUNI Nursing Informatics
NUNP Nurse Practitioner
NURS Nursing
OBGC OB/Gyn Core Clerkship
OBGY Obstetrics/Gynecology
OMFS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
OPMT Operations Management
OPRE Operations Research
OPTH Ophthalmology
ORAD Organization and Administratn
ORBH Organizational Behavior
ORIG Origins
ORTH Orthopaedic Surgery
OTHR Other
OTOL Otolaryngology
P Physics
PAST Physician Assistant Studies
PATH Pathology
PBPG Patient Based Program
PE Physical Education
PEDC Pediatrics Core Clerkship
PEDS Pediatrics
PGOD Pathogenesis of Disease
PHED Physical Education
PHIL Philosophy
PHOL Physiology & Biophysics
PHRM Pharmacology
PHYS Physics
PLCY Management Policy
PORT Portuguese
POSC Political Science
PQHS Popn & Quant Health Sci
PRAC Practicum
PSCL Psychology
PSYC Psychiatry Core Clerkship
PSYY Psychiatry
PULM Pulmonary Medicine
QUMM Quantitative Methods in Mgmt
RADI Radiology
RAON Radiation Oncology
RASE Research & Special Electives
RBIO Reproductive Biology
READ Reading & Learning Strategies
REHA Rehab Med/Occupational Hlth
REHE Restoration of Health
REMA Restoration & Mainten of Hlth
RENL Renal/Nephrology
RESC Research Curriculum
RGME Regenerative Med Entrprnrshp
RHEU Clinical Rheumatology
RLGN Religious Studies
ROTH Roth Institute
RSCH Graduate Summer Research
RUSN Russian
SASS School of Applied Soc Sciences
SCMG Supply Chain Management
SCPP Science and Public Policy
SIDS Spec Interdisciplinary Studies
SJUS Social Justice
SMAB Semester in Absentia
SOCI Sociology
SPAN Spanish
SPCH Speech Communication
SPPP Problems/Policy Program
SPSM Special Studies in Medicine
SRAB Senior In Absentia
SRCH Social Work Research
SSBT Sociobehavioral Theory
SSCI Social Sciences
SSWM Social Work Methods
STAT Statistics
SURC Surgery Core Clerkship
SURG Surgery
SWBC SASS-SW Meth Elec B/C Stream
SYBB Systems Biology and Bioinform
SYPS Senior Year in Prof Studies
TELA Tel-Aviv University, Israel
THTR Theater Arts
UCAP SAGES Capstone Experience
UGSP Undergraduate Scholars Prog
UNEL Unlisted Elective
UNIV University Studies
URES Urban & Environmental Studies
UROL Urology
USEM University Seminar
USFS University Seminars First Sem
USNA Think About The Natural World
USSO Think About The Social World
USSY Think About The Symbolic World
VACA Vacation
VEAL Veale Entrepreneurship Institute
WASH Washington Semester
WGST Women's & Gender Studies
WHUK Otto Beisheim Grd Schl, Germn
WIEN Vienna Univ of Econ, Austria
WKAB Work in Absentia
WLIT World Literature
WMST Women's & Gender Studies
WSTD Women's Studies
YORK York University, Canada