Academic Organizations

This is a list of all academic organizations in SIS at CWRU.  Some of these codes are for organizations that are no longer active. It is necessary to maintain this table in its entirety for purposes of maintaining historical records.

Academic Organization Description
ACCT Accountancy
ADHT Adolescent Health
AEGD Adv Educ in General Dentistry
AMST American Studies
ANAT Anatomy
ANES Anesthesiology & Periop Med
ANTH Anthropology
ARAB Arabic
ARSC College Scholars Program
ARTH Art History
ARTS Art Studio
ASIA Asian Studies
ASTR Astronomy
BAFI Banking and Finance
BETH Bioethics
BIOC Biochemistry
BIOL Biology
BNCH Baker-Nord Ctr for Humanities
BSCI Biological Sciences
BSTP Biomedical Sciences Train Prog
CAS College of Arts and Sciences
CASE1 Case Western Reserve Univ
CBIO Cellular & Molecular Biology
CCM Cleve Clinic Lerner Coll Med
CHEM Chemistry
CHIN Chinese
CHST Childhood Studies
CIAR Cleveland Institute of Art
CIM Cleveland Institute of Music
CLSC Classics
CMDN Community Dentistry
CMED Clinical Research - CCLCM
CMPS Computing/Information Science
COGS Cognitive Science
COMP Comprehensive Care
COOP Cooperative Education
COSI Communication Sciences
CRSP Clinical Research Scholars Prg
CSDS Computer and Data Sciences
DANC Dance
DELPP Engr Leadership/Prof Practice
DEN School of Dental Medicine
DESN Design & Innovation
DMLL Modern Languages & Literature
DPHC Dental Public Health
DSCI Data Science
EBME Biomedical Engineering
ECES Computer Engr & Science
ECHE Chemical & Biomolecular Engr
ECIV Civil Engineering
ECON Economics
ECSE Electr., Computer, Systems Eng
EDMP Executive Doctor of Management
EDUC Education
EEAP Elec Engr & Applied Physics
EECS Electrical Engr & Computer Sci
EEPS Earth, Environ & Planetary Sci
EMAC Macromolecular Science & Engr
EMAE Mechanical & Aerospace Engr
EMBA Executive MBA
EMMS Metallurgy & Materials Science
EMSE Materials Science & Engineerng
ENDO Endodontics
ENG Case School of Engineering
ENGD Engineering Drawing
ENGL English
ENGR Engineering
EPBI Epidemiology & Biostatistics
EPOM Practice Oriented Masters Prog
ESCI Systems Ctrl & Industrial Engr
ESMD Solid Mech, Struct, & Mech Des
ESTD Environmental Studies
ESYS Systems Engineering
ETHS Ethnic Studies
EVHS Environmental Health Sciences
FAMD Family Medicine
FRCH French
GENE Genetics
GEOL Geology
GERO Gerontological Studies
GREK Greek
GRMN German
GRS School of Graduate Studies
GRSCONTED Graduate Continuing Education
HBRW Hebrew
HLTH Community Health
HSMC Health Systems Management
HSTY History
IBIS Integrated Biological Sciences
IBMS Integrated Biological Studies
IDST Interdisciplinary Studies
IHSC Interdisciplinary Health Sci
IIME Inst for Integr of Mgmt & Engr
INTA International Affairs
INTH International Health
ITAL Italian
JAPN Japanese
JDST Judaic Studies
LATN Latin
LAW School of Law
M-ANAT Anatomy (MED)
M-ANES Anesthesiology (MED)
M-BETH Bioethics (MED)
M-CARD Cardiology (MED)
M-DERM Dermatology (MED)
M-EMMD Emergency Med & Int Care (MED)
M-ENDO Endocrinology (MED)
M-EPBI Epidemiology & Biostats (MED)
M-FAMD Family Medicine (MED)
M-GAST Gastroenterology (MED)
M-GENE Genetics (MED)
M-GERI Geriatric Medicine (MED)
M-HEMA Hematology/Oncology (MED)
M-HLTH Community Health (MED)
M-IMED Internal Medicine (MED)
M-IMMU Immunology & Infect Dis (MED)
M-INTH International Health (MED)
M-MBIO Molecul Biol & Microbiol (MED)
M-NEUR Neurosciences (MED)
M-NTRN Nutrition (MED)
M-OBGY Obstetrics/Gynecology (MED)
M-OPTH Ophthalmology (MED)
M-ORTH Orthopaedic Surgery (MED)
M-OTOL Otolaryngology (MED)
M-PATH Pathology (MED)
M-PEDS Pediatrics (MED)
M-PSYY Psychiatry (MED)
M-PULM Pulmonary Medicine (MED)
M-RADI Radiology (MED)
M-RAON Radiation Oncology (MED)
M-RBIO Reproductive Biology (MED)
M-REHA Rehab Med/Occupatnl Hlth (MED)
M-RENL Renal/Nephrology (MED)
M-RHEU Rheumatology (MED)
M-SURG Surgery (MED)
M-UROL Urology (MED)
MAND Mandel Center
MAPS Marketing and Policy Studies
MAST Math, Appld Math & Statistics
MATH Mathematics
MBIO Molecular Biology & Microbiol
MBME Biomedical Engineering - Medicine
MD_MED Medicine (MD)
MED School of Medicine
MGRD Schl of Med Graduate Education
MGT Weatherhead Schl of Management
MIDS Information Systems
MLIT Mod Foreign Lit & Mod Lang
MLSC Military Science
MMED Molecular Medicine
MPHP Public Health
MSTP Medical Scientist Training Prg
MUSC Music
NCRM Ntnl Cntr for Regenerative Med
NEUR Neurosciences
NTRN Nutrition
NUR School of Nursing
OMFS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
OMMDS Oral & Maxillofac Med & Dx Srv
OPRE Operations
ORBH Organizational Behavior
ORDX Oral Diagnosis & Radiology
ORIG Inst for the Study of Origins
ORPT Oral Pathology
ORTH Orthodontics
PAST Physician Assistant Studies
PATH Pathology
PEDS Pediatric Dentistry
PERI Periodontics
PHED Physical Education
PHIL Philosophy
PHOL Physiology and Biophysics
PHRM Pharmacology
PHYS Physics
PORT Portuguese
POSC Political Science
PQHS Popn & Quant Health Sci
PRAC Career Center
PRBI Ctr Proteomics & Bioinformatic
PSCL Psychology
PSSC Psychological Sciences
RBIO Reproductive Biology
RLGN Religious Studies
ROTH Roth Institute
RUSN Russian
SAS Mandel Schl of Applied Soc Sci
SASV MSASS - Virtual
SJUS Social Justice
SOCI Sociology
SPAN Spanish
SPCH Speech Communication
STAT Statistics
THTD Theater and Dance
THTR Theater
UGR Undergraduate
UNIV University Studies
UNIV_MED UNIV - Medicine
UNIV_SA Academic Support Resources for Students
URBS Urban & Environmental Studies
VEAL Veale Entrepreneurship Institute
WASH Washington Semester
WGST Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WLIT World Literature
WMST Women's Studies