This is a list of all academic programs in SIS at CWRU. It does not imply that the program is currently available. Some of these codes are for programs no longer offered. It is necessary to maintain this table in its entirety for purposes of maintaining historical records.
Academic Program | Description |
ACCMA | Accountancy (MAcc) |
AMSMA | American Studies (MA) |
AMSPH | American Studies (PhD) |
ANAPH | Anatomy (PhD) |
ANEMS | Anesthesia (MS) |
ANPMS | Applied Anatomy (MS) |
ANSMS | Anesthesia (MS) |
ANTMA | Anthropology (MA) |
ANTPH | Anthropology (PhD) |
APHCT | Aerospace Physiology (Ct) |
APHMS | Aerospace Physiology (MS) |
APMMS | Applied Mathematics (MS) |
APMPH | Applied Mathematics (PhD) |
APVCT | Aerospace Physiology (Ct) |
APVMS | Aerospace Physiology (MS) |
AQMCT | Adv Quantitative Method (Ct) |
AREMA | Art Education (MA) |
ARHMA | Art History (MA) |
ARHPH | Art History (PhD) |
ARMMA | Art Hstry & Museum Stds (MA) |
ARMPH | Art Hstry & Museum Stds (PhD) |
ASTMS | Astronomy (MS) |
ASTPH | Astronomy (PhD) |
BCHMS | Biochemistry (MS) |
BCHPH | Biochemistry (PhD) |
BETMA | Bioethics & Med Humanities(MA) |
BETPH | Bioethics (PhD) |
BHIMS | Biomed & Hlth Informatics (MS) |
BHIPH | Biomed & Hlth Informatics(PhD) |
BIMMS | Biometry (MS) |
BIMPH | Biometry (PhD) |
BIOMS | Biology (MS) |
BIOPH | Biology (PhD) |
BRSMS | Biochemical Research (MS) |
BTNMS | Biotechnology (MS) |
CASUG | Arts & Sciences Undergraduate |
CBIPH | Cell Biology (PhD) |
CCMMD | Doctor of Medicine - CCLCM |
CGLMA | Cognitive Linguistics (MA) |
CHEMS | Chemistry (MS) |
CHEPH | Chemistry (PhD) |
CISMS | Computing & Info Science (MS) |
CISPH | Computing & Info Science (PhD) |
CLSMA | Classical Studies (MA) |
CMPMS | Computer Science (MS) |
CMPPH | Computer Science (PhD) |
CMVMS | Computer Science (MS) |
CNRCT | Cancer Studies (Cert) |
COSMA | Communication Sciences (MA) |
COSPH | Communication Sciences (PhD) |
CRMCT | Compliance & Risk Mgmt (Cert) |
CRSMS | Clinical Research (MS) |
CRVCT | Compliance & Risk Mgmt (Cert) |
CTSPH | Clinicl Translational Sci(PhD) |
DAECT | Advanced Education in Gen Dent |
DCSCT | Cranfac Surg & Spec Care Orth |
DEDCT | Endodontics Post-Prof Certn |
DEDMS | Endodontics (MS) |
DENBS | Dentistry Undergraduate |
DENDM | Doctor of Dental Medicine |
DENDS | Doctor of Dental Surgery |
DENND | Dental Medicine Nondegree |
DESCT | Design, Innov & IP Mgmt (Cert) |
DNCMA | Contemporary Dance (MA) |
DNCMF | Contemporary Dance (MFA) |
DOLCT | Oral Medicine Post-Prof Certn |
DOLMS | Oral Medicine (MS) |
DOMCT | Oral & Maxillofac Surg (Cert) |
DOMMS | Oral & Maxillofac Surg (MS) |
DORCT | Orthodontics Post-Prof Certn |
DORMS | Orthodontics (MS) |
DPDCT | Pediatric Dent Post-Prof Certn |
DPDMS | Pediatric Dentistry (MS) |
DPECT | Periodontics Post-Prof Certn |
DPEMS | Periodontics (MS) |
DPHCT | Dental Public Health (Cert) |
DSCCT | Applied Data Science (Cert) |
DSCMS | Data Science (MS) |
EAPMS | Electrical Engineering (MS) |
EAPPH | Electrical Engineering (PhD) |
EARMS | Aerospace Engineering (MS) |
EARPH | Aerospace Engineering (PhD) |
EBIMS | Biomedical Engineering (MS) |
EBIPH | Biomedical Engineering (PhD) |
EBTCT | Experimental Biotechnology(Ct) |
EBVMS | Biomedical Engineering (MS) |
ECEMS | Chemical Engineering (MS) |
ECEPH | Chemical Engineering (PhD) |
ECIMS | Civil Engineering (MS) |
ECIPH | Civil Engineering (PhD) |
ECMMS | Computer Engineering (MS) |
ECMPH | Computer Engineering (PhD) |
ECOMA | Economics (MA) |
ECOPH | Economics (PhD) |
ECVMS | Civil Engineering (MS) |
EDUMA | Education (MA) |
EEPMS | Elec Engr & Appl Physics (MS) |
EEPPH | Elec Engr & Appl Physics (PhD) |
EFTMS | Fluid & Thermal Science (MS) |
EFTPH | Fluid & Thermal Science (PhD) |
EGLMA | English (MA) |
EGLPH | English (PhD) |
EGMMS | Engineering Mechanics (MS) |
EGRMS | Engineering (MS) |
EIDCT | Early Interventn Dev Spec(Ct) |
EMAMS | Macromolecular Science (MS) |
EMAPH | Macromolecular Science (PhD) |
EMCMS | Mechanical Engineering (MS) |
EMCPH | Mechanical Engineering (PhD) |
EMMMS | Metallurgy & Materials Science |
EMSMS | Materials Science & Engr (MS) |
EMSPH | Materials Science & Engr (PhD) |
EMVMS | Mechanical Engineering (MS) |
ENGME | Practice Oriented Master's |
ENGMM | Master of Engineering & Mgmt |
ENGUG | Engineering Undergraduate |
EPBMD | Doctor of Medicine - EPB |
EPBMS | Epidemiology & Biostats (MS) |
EPBPH | Epidemiology & Biostats (PhD) |
ESCPH | Systms Ctrl & Indus Engr (PhD) |
ESVMS | Systems & Control Engr (MS) |
ESYMS | Systems & Control Engr (MS) |
ESYPH | Systems & Control Engr (PhD) |
EVHMS | Environmental Health Sci (MS) |
EVHPH | Environmental Health Sci (PhD) |
FAMMS | Family Medicine (MS) |
FRCMA | French (MA) |
GENMS | Genetics (MS) |
GENPH | Genetics (PhD) |
GEOMS | Geological Sciences (MS) |
GEOPH | Geological Sciences (PhD) |
GNCMS | Genetic Counseling (MS) |
GRSND | Graduate Studies Nondegree |
HINCT | Health Informatics (Cert) |
HSSMA | History of Sci & Tech (MA) |
HSTMA | History (MA) |
HSTPH | History (PhD) |
IBMPH | Integrated Biomedicl Sci (PhD) |
IQBCT | Interschl Quant Biosci (Ct) |
LAWCR | Master of Compliance/Risk Mgmt |
LAWJD | Juris Doctor |
LAWLM | Master of Laws |
LAWMA | Master of Arts (Law) |
LAWML | Master of Laws |
LAWMX | Master of Arts (Law) |
LAWND | Law Nondegree |
LAWSJ | Doctor of Juridical Science |
LEACT | Leadership Excel & Achieve(Ct) |
LIBMS | Library Science |
LIBPH | LIbrary & Information Science |
LWVCR | Master of Compliance/Risk Mgmt |
LWVJD | Juris Doctor |
LWVLM | Master of Laws |
LWVMA | Master of Arts (Law) |
MATMS | Mathematics (MS) |
MATPH | Mathematics (PhD) |
MBOMS | Molecular Bio & Microbio (MS) |
MBOPH | Molecular Bio & Microbio (PhD) |
MCNCT | Maternal/Child Nutrition(Cert) |
MDIMA | Medical Illustration (MA) |
MDPMS | Medical Physiology (MS) |
MDVMS | Medical Physiology (MS) |
MEDMD | Doctor of Medicine |
MEDNV | Medical School Visitors |
MGTAI | Master of Bus Analytics&Intell |
MGTCN | Certificate in Nonprofit Mgmt |
MGTDB | Doctor of Business Admin |
MGTDM | Doctor of Management |
MGTED | Executive Doctor of Management |
MGTEX | Exec Master of Business Admin |
MGTFT | FinTech (MS) |
MGTHM | Master of Healthcare Mgmt |
MGTMB | Master of Business Admin |
MGTMF | Master of Finance |
MGTMM | Master of Engineering & Mgmt |
MGTMN | Master of Nonprofit Org |
MGTMS | Master of Sci in Management |
MGTMX | Exec Master of Nonprofit Org |
MGTND | Management Nondegree |
MGTNM | Mandel Center Nondegree |
MGTPH | Management (PhD) |
MGTSC | Master of Supply Chain Mgmt |
MGTUG | Management Undergraduate |
MGVMB | Master of Business Admin |
MIDPH | Management & Decision Sys(PhD) |
MISMS | Information Systems (MS) |
MLEMA | Military Ethics (MA) |
MMEPH | Molecular Medicine (PhD) |
MPDMS | Positive Organizatn Dev(MSPOD) |
MPHMP | Public Health (MPH) |
MSCMS | Management Science (MS) |
MSTMD | Doctor of Medicine - MSTP |
MSTPH | Med Scientist Trng Prg (PhD) |
MUCPH | Musicology (PhD) |
MUEMA | Music Education (MA) |
MUEPH | Music Education (PhD) |
MUHMA | Music History (MA) |
MUPDM | Histrcl Perform Practice (DMA) |
MUPMA | Historcl Perform Practice (MA) |
MVRPH | Molecular Virology (PhD) |
NEUMS | Neurosciences (MS) |
NEUPH | Neurosciences (PhD) |
NHCCT | Nutrition/Health Care Prof(Ct) |
NNVPM | Product Management/Leadership |
NONAD | Nondegree Dental Medicine Adv |
NONCM | Cleveland Institute of Music |
NONDA | Dental Assisting |
NONDN | Nondegree Dental Medicine |
NONEF | Expanded Function Dental Aux |
NONGC | Nondegree Non-GRAD Courses |
NONGF | Nondegree Grad Stds Fellowship |
NONGR | Nondegree Post-Baccalaureate |
NONGS | Nondegree Graduate Spec Aud |
NONLC | Nondegree Non-LAW Courses |
NONLW | Nondegree Law |
NONMC | Nondegree Non-MGMT Courses |
NONMD | Nondegree Courses |
NONMG | Nondegree Management |
NONNR | Nondegree Non-NURS Courses |
NONSS | Nondegree Courses |
NONUG | Nondegree Undergraduate |
NONUS | Nondegree Undergrad Spec Audit |
NONUV | Nondegree Undergrad Visitors |
NRVDN | Doctor of Nursing Practice |
NTRMS | Nutrition (MS) |
NTRPH | Nutrition (PhD) |
NURCT | Nursing Post-Grad Certificatn |
NURDN | Doctor of Nursing Practice |
NURMN | Master of Nursing |
NURMS | Master of Science in Nursing |
NURND | Nursing Nondegree |
NURPC | Prof Nursing Certificate |
NURPH | Nursing (PhD) |
NURUG | Nursing Undergraduate |
OPRCT | Operations Research (Cert) |
OPRMS | Operations Research (MSM) |
OPRMT | Operations Research (MS) |
OPRPH | Operations Research (PhD) |
ORBMS | Organizational Behavior (MS) |
ORBPH | Organizational Behavior (PhD) |
ORDMS | Organizatnl Dev & Analys (MS) |
PASMS | Physician Asst Studies (MSPAS) |
PATMS | Pathology (MS) |
PATPH | Pathology (PhD) |
PBHCT | Public Health (Cert) |
PHCCT | Public Humanities/Civic Eng(Ct |
PHIMA | Philosophy (MA) |
PHNMS | Public Health Nutrition (MS) |
PHOMS | Physiology & Biophysics (MS) |
PHOPH | Physiology & Biophysics (PhD) |
PHRMS | Pharmacology (MS) |
PHRPH | Pharmacology (PhD) |
PHSMS | Physiology (MS) |
PHYMS | Physics (MS) |
PHYPH | Physics (PhD) |
POSMA | Political Science (MA) |
POSPH | Political Science (PhD) |
POVME | Practice Oriented Master's |
PRMCT | Readiness Inst/Biomed Ed(Cert) |
PSYMA | Psychology (MA) |
PSYPH | Psychology (PhD) |
RLGMA | Religious Studies (MA) |
RMEMS | Regen Med & Entreprenrshp (MS) |
ROLMA | Romance Languages (MA) |
SAIMS | Social Administration |
SAISW | Social Work |
SASCN | Nonprofit Management (Cert) |
SASMN | Master of Nonprofit Org |
SASMS | Social Administration |
SASND | SASS Nondegree |
SASSW | Social Work |
SATMS | Social Administration |
SAVMS | Social Administration |
SAVSW | Social Work |
SBBMS | Systems Biol & Bioinform (MS) |
SBBPH | Systems Biol & Bioinform (PhD) |
SOCMA | Sociology (MA) |
SOCPH | Sociology (PhD) |
SPCMA | Speech (MA) |
STAMS | Statistics (MS) |
STAPH | Statistics (PhD) |
SWSPH | Social Welfare (PhD) |
SYPPH | Systems Physiology (PhD) |
THRMA | Theater Arts (MA) |
THRMF | Theater Arts (MFA) |
TIPCT | Trauma-Informed Practice (Ct) |
TPSMS | Translatnl Pharmaceut Sci (MS) |
TPVCT | Trauma-Informed Practice (Ct) |
UGRDN | Dental Six Year Program |
UGRND | Undergraduate Nondegree |
UGRPP | Pre-Professional Scholars Prog |
UGRUD | Undeclared Undergraduate |
WLTMA | World Literature (MA) |
WRHCT | Wireless Health (Cert) |