Degree Codes

This is a list of all degrees in SIS at CWRU. Some of these codes are for degrees that are no offered. It is necessary to maintain this table in its entirety for purposes of maintaining historical records.

Degree Description
BA Bachelor of Arts
BS B.S. in Applied Social Science
BS Bachelor of Science
BSE Bachelor of Science in Engineering
BSM Bachelor of Science in Management
BSN Bachelor of Science in Nursing
DBA Doctor of Business Administration
DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery
DM Doctor of Management
DMA Doctor of Musical Arts
DMD Doctor of Dental Medicine
DNP Doctor of Nursing Practice
DPost Prof Dental Post-Professional Certification
EDM Executive Doctor of Management
GradCert Graduate Certificate
JD Juris Doctor
LLM Master of Laws
MA Master of Arts
MAcc Master of Accountancy
MBA Master of Business Administration
MBusAI Master of Business Analytics and Intelligence
MCRM Master of Compliance and Risk Management
MD Doctor of Medicine
ME Master of Engineering
MEM Master of Engineering and Management
MFA Master of Fine Arts
MFin Master of Finance
MHcM Master of Healthcare Management
ML Master of Laws
MN Master of Nursing
MNO Master of Nonprofit Organizations
MPH Master of Public Health
MS Master of Science
MSA Master of Science in Anesthesia
MSCM Master of Supply Chain Management
MSD Master of Science in Dentistry
MSFT Master of Science in FinTech
MSLS Master of Science in Library Science
MSM Master of Science in Management
MSN Master of Science in Nursing
MSPAS Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies
MSPOD M.S. in Positive Organization Development & Change
MSSA Master of Science in Social Administration
MSW Master of Social Work
ND Doctor of Nursing
PSTBACCT Post-Baccalaureate Certificate
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
Prof Nurse Certificate of Professional Nursing
PstGrdCert Post-Graduate Certification
PstMstCert Post-Master's Certification
SJD Doctor of Juridical Science