This is a list of all subject codes used at CWRU. Not all subject codes are still in use. It is necessary to maintain this table in its entirety for purposes of maintaining historical records.
Subject | Description |
AAAS | African and African American Studies |
ABLE | Ability Based Learning Environment |
ACAD | University Program |
ACCM | Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine |
ACCT | Accounting |
ACES | Academic & Computing Excellence Seminar |
ADHT | Adolescent Health |
ADVC | Advanced Core |
AFST | Africana Studies |
AIAE | Academic English |
AIOM | Asian Institute of Management, Philippines |
AIQS | Academic Inquiry Seminar |
AKKD | Akkadian |
AMST | American Studies |
ANAT | Anatomy |
ANEE | Ancient Near East and Egyptian Studies |
ANES | Anesthesiology |
ANTH | Anthropology |
APMU | Applied Music |
ARAB | Arabic |
ARSC | College Scholars Program |
ARTH | Art History |
ARTK | Computers in Visual Arts |
ARTS | Art Studio |
AS | Air Science |
ASCV | Asian Civilization |
ASIA | Asian Studies |
ASTR | Astronomy |
BAFI | Banking and Finance |
BASC | Basic Science Curriculum |
BASS | BS in Applied Social Sciences |
BETH | Bioethics |
BIOC | Biochemistry |
BIOL | Biology |
BIOM | Biometry |
BIOS | Bioscience Entrepreneurship |
BLAW | Business Law |
BOCR | Basics of Clinical Reasoning |
BSTP | Biomedical Sciences Training Program |
BTEC | Business Technology |
BUAI | Business Analytics & Intelligence |
CAPG | Core Academic Program |
CARD | Cardiology |
CARE | Primary Care Courses |
CBIO | Cellular and Molecular Biology |
CFNU | Community Frontier Nursing |
CH | Chemistry |
CHEM | Chemistry |
CHIN | Chinese |
CHST | Childhood Studies |
CIAR | Cleveland Institute of Art |
CLBY | Cell Biology |
CLIN | Clinical Curriculum |
CLMI | Clinical Medicine and Internships |
CLSC | Classics |
CMED | Clinical Medicine - CCLCM |
CMPL | Comparative Literature |
CMPS | Computing and Information Science |
CNCR | Cancer Center |
COGS | Cognitive Science |
COLS | Graduate Summer Research |
COMP | Patient Based Clinical Comprehensives |
COOP | Cooperative Education |
COPE | Copenhagen Business School, Denmark |
CORE | Core Clinical Medicine |
COSI | Communication Sciences |
CRSP | Clinical Research Scholars Program |
CSDS | Computer and Data Sciences |
DANC | Dance |
DART | Dramatic Arts |
DBAP | Doctor of Business Admin |
DENC | Dentistry - Clinical |
DEND | Dentistry - Didactic |
DENF | Dentistry - Faculty |
DENT | Dentistry |
DERM | Dermatology |
DESN | Design & Innovation |
DGMS | General Medical Sciences |
DMLL | Modern Languages and Literature |
DNDO | Endodontics |
DORL | Oral Medicine |
DPED | Pediatric Dentistry |
DPER | Periodontics |
DPHC | Dental Public Health |
DRTH | Orthodontics |
DSCI | Applied Data Science |
DSPR | Disease Processes |
DSRE | Disease and Restoration of Health |
E | Engineering |
EBME | Biomedical Engineering |
ECES | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
ECHE | Chemical Engineering |
ECIV | Civil Engineering |
ECLE | Early Clinical Experience |
ECMP | Computer Engineering |
ECON | Economics |
ECSE | Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering |
EDAB | Education Abroad |
EDJC | Education - John Carroll Univ |
EDMP | Executive Doctor of Management |
EDUC | Education |
EEAP | Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics |
EECS | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
EEPS | Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences |
EFDA | Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary |
EFTS | Fluid and Thermal Science |
EIND | Industrial Engineering |
EMAC | Macromolecular and Polymer Science |
EMAE | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
EMBA | Executive MBA |
EMCH | Mechanical Engineering |
EMMD | Emergency Medicine |
EMMS | Metallurgy & Materials Science |
EMSE | Materials Science and Engineering |
ENDO | Endocrinology |
ENG | English |
ENGD | Engineering Drawing |
ENGL | English |
ENGR | Engineering Science |
ENTP | Entrepreneurship |
EPBI | Epidemiology and Biostatistics |
EPID | Environmental Epidemiology |
EPOM | Practice Oriented Engineering Masters Program |
EQUI | Out-of-Town Equivalency |
ERAS | Erasmus University, Netherlands |
ERTH | Earth Sciences |
ESAD | Esade Business School, Spain |
ESCI | Systems Control and Industrial Engineering |
ESMD | Solid Mechanics, Structure and Mechical Design |
ESTD | Environmental Studies |
ESYS | Systems Engineering |
ETHC | Ethics |
ETHS | Ethnic Studies |
EVHS | Environmental Health Studies |
EXAM | Examination Master/Ph.D. |
EXCH | International Exchange Program |
FAMC | Family Medicine Core |
FAMD | Family Medicine |
FNCE | Finance |
FRCH | French |
FRSS | Freshman Special Studies |
FSAE | First Seminar Academic English |
FSCC | First Seminar Common Curriculum |
FSCS | First Seminar Continuing Semester |
FSNA | First Seminar Natural World |
FSSO | First Seminar Social World |
FSSY | First Seminar Symbolic World |
FSTS | First Seminar Transfer Supplement |
FTEC | FinTech |
FUND | Fundesem Business School, Spain |
GAST | Gastroenterology |
GEMD | Geriatric Medicine |
GENE | Genetics |
GEOG | Geography |
GEOL | Geology |
GEOM | Geographic Medicine |
GERI | Geriatric Medicine |
GERM | German |
GERO | Gerontological Studies |
GMBA | Global BMA |
GRAD | Graduate Studies |
GREK | Greek |
GRMN | German |
GTOX | Genetic Toxicology |
HBRW | Hebrew |
HDEV | Interdisciplinary Program: Human Development |
HEAL | Health Science |
HEMA | Hematology/Oncology |
HEWB | Health and Well-Being |
HIER | Egyptian Hieroglyphs |
HLTH | Community Health |
HMSS | Humanities and Social Sciences |
HPSC | History & Philosophy of Science |
HS | Humanities and Social Studies |
HSED | Health Sciences Education |
HSMC | Health Systems Management |
HSST | History of Science and Technology |
HSTY | History |
HTEC | Humanity and Technology |
HUMN | Humanities |
HWDP | Health Disease and Processes |
IBIS | Integrated Biological Sciences |
IBMS | Integrated BioMedical Studies |
IDHS | Interdisciplinary Health Studies |
IDRL | Industrial Relations |
IECS | IECS Strasbourg, France |
IHSC | Interdisciplinary Health Sciences |
IIME | Inst for the Integrat of Management & Engineering |
IMED | Internal Medicine |
IMMU | Immunology and Infectious Disease |
INCA | Incae in Alajuela, Costa Rica |
INQU | Inquiry |
INTH | International Health |
INTL | International Studies |
IPOD | Positive Organizational Development-India |
IQBP | Interschool Quantitative Biosciences Program |
ITAL | Italian |
ITAM | Independent Technolog Inst of Mexico(Itam), Mexico |
JAPN | Japanese |
JDST | Judaic Studies |
JRAB | Junior Year Abroad |
JWST | Jewish Studies |
KORE | Korean |
LAPP | Law and Public Policy |
LATN | Latin |
LAWS | Law |
LCAN | Canadian Law Courses |
LDRS | Leadership |
LEAP | Leadership Excel & Achieve |
LEGL | Legal Studies |
LFIN | Law - Financial Integrity |
LHRP | Labor and Human Resource Policy |
LIBS | Library Science |
LING | Linguistics |
LINS | Law Summer Institute |
LITR | Literature |
LLM | LL.M. Tax Program |
LMON | Montreal Law Courses |
LSAB | Law School Study Abroad |
LYON | Lyon |
M | Mathematics |
MAHE | Maintenance of Health |
MANC | University of Manchester |
MAND | Mandel Center |
MASS | Medicine and Social Structures |
MATH | Mathematics |
MBAC | MBA Core |
MBAP | MBA Part Time Cohort |
MBIO | Molecular Biology and Microbiology |
MBME | Biomedical Engineering - Medicine |
MEDC | Medicine Core Clerkship |
MEDG | General Medicine |
MEDS | Medical School Basic Science Curriculum |
MEDT | Medical Technology |
MGAB | Management Study Abroad |
MGMT | Management |
MGRD | School of Medicine Graduate Education |
MGTE | Management & Engineering |
MIDS | Information Systems |
MILT SRV | Military Services |
MISC | Miscellaneous |
MKMR | Marketing |
MLIT | Modern Foreign Literature and Modern Languages |
MLSC | Military Science |
MMED | Molecular Medicine |
MONT | Inst Tecnolog y de Estud Super de Monterrey,Mexico |
MPHP | Public Health |
MPOD | Positive Organizational Development |
MRKM | Marketing and Merchandising |
MSBA | MSM in Business Analytics |
MSFC | MSM in Finance-China |
MSFI | MSM in Finance |
MSOD | Manifestations of Disease |
MSOR | Master of Science in Operations Research |
MSPL | Master of Science in Positive Ldrshp, Org & Strtgy |
MSTP | Medical Scientist Training Program |
MUAP | Applied Music |
MUAR | Music, Audio Recording |
MUCP | Music, Composition |
MUDE | Music, Dalcroze/Eurhythmics |
MUED | Music, Education |
MUEN | Music, Ensembles |
MUGN | Music, General/Miscellaneous |
MUHI | Music History |
MULI | Music Literature |
MUPD | Music, Pedagogy |
MUPM | Music, Popular |
MURP | Music, Repertoire |
MUSC | Music |
MUSD | Doctor Musical Arts |
MUSP | Music, Secondary Performance |
MUTH | Music Theory |
MVIR | Molecular Virology Training Program |
NEUM | Neurological Medicine |
NEUR | Neurosciences |
NEUS | Neurosurgery |
NORG | Norwegian School of Management, Norway |
NSCI | Neuroscience |
NTRN | Nutrition |
NUAN | Nursing Anesthesiology |
NUED | Nursing Education |
NUMN | Master of Nursing |
NUND | Doctor of Nursing |
NUNI | Nursing Informatics |
NUNP | Nurse Practitioner |
NURS | Nursing |
OBGC | OB/Gyn Core Clerkship |
OBGY | Obstetrics/Gynecology |
OMFS | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
OPMT | Operations Management |
OPRE | Operations Research |
OPTH | Ophthalmology |
ORAD | Organization and Administration |
ORBH | Organizational Behavior |
ORG | Organizational Sciences |
ORIG | Origins |
ORTH | Orthopaedic Surgery |
OTHR | Other |
OTOL | Otolaryngology |
P | Physics |
PAST | Physician Assistant Studies |
PATH | Pathology |
PBPG | Patient Based Program |
PCHP | Primary Care Health Policy |
PCPC | Primary Care Health Policy |
PE | Physical Education |
PEDC | Pediatrics Core Clerkship |
PEDS | Pediatrics |
PGOD | Pathogenesis of Disease |
PHED | Physical Education |
PHIL | Philosophy |
PHOL | Physiology and Biophysics |
PHRM | Pharmacology |
PHYS | Physics |
PLCY | Management Policy |
PORT | Portuguese |
POSC | Political Science |
PQHS | Population & Quantitative Health Sciences |
PRAC | Practicum |
PSCL | Psychology |
PSYC | Psychiatry Core Clerkship |
PSYY | Psychiatry |
PULM | Pulmonary Medicine |
QUMM | Quantitative Methods in Management |
RADI | Radiology |
RAON | Radiation Oncology |
RASE | Research & Special Electives |
RBIO | Reproductive Biology |
READ | Reading and Learning Strategies |
REHA | Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |
REHE | Restoration of Health |
REMA | Restoration & Maintenance of Health |
RENL | Renal/Nephrology |
RESC | Research Curriculum |
RGME | Regenerative Medicine Entrepreneurship |
RHEU | Clinical Rheumatology |
RLGN | Religious Studies |
RSCH | Graduate Research |
RUSN | Russian |
SASS | School of Applied Social Sciences |
SCMG | Supply Chain Management |
SCPP | Science and Public Policy |
SIDS | Special Interdisciplinary Studies |
SJUS | Social Justice |
SMAB | Semester in Absentia |
SOCI | Sociology |
SPAN | Spanish |
SPCH | Speech Communication |
SPPP | Problems/Policy Program |
SPSM | Special Studies in Medicine |
SRAB | Senior In Absentia |
SRCH | Social Work Research |
SSBT | Sociobehavioral Theory |
SSCI | Social Sciences |
SSWM | Social Work Methods |
STAR | North Star Special Topics |
STAT | Statistics |
SURC | Surgery Core Clerkship |
SURG | Surgery |
SWBC | SASS-Social Work Methods Elec B/C Stream |
SYBB | Systems Biology and Bioinformatics |
SYPS | Senior Year in Professional Studies |
TELA | Tel-Aviv University, Israel |
THTR | Theater Arts |
UCAP | SAGES Capstone Experience |
UGSP | Undergraduate Scholars Program |
UNEL | Unlisted Elective |
UNIV | University Studies |
URES | Urban and Environmental Studies |
UROL | Urology |
USEM | University Seminar |
USFS | University Seminars First Seminar |
USNA | Think About The Natural World |
USSO | Think About The Social World |
USSY | Think About The Symbolic World |
VACA | Vacation |
VEAL | Veale Entrepreneurship Institute |
WASH | Washington Semester |
WGST | Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies |
WHUK | Otto Beisheim Graduate School, Germany |
WIEN | Vienna University of Economics, Austria |
WKAB | Work in Absentia |
WLIT | World Literature |
WMST | Women's & Gender Studies |
WRIT | Writing and Rhetoric |
WSTD | Women's Studies |
YORK | York University, Canada |