It could be several things. First make sure that you try the search a different way. Try entering part of a keyword or enter only one keyword at a time. Or try using the filters on the left. It's also possible that the department has not updated any data for the courses to be offered. The registrar's office can help you determine if this is the case. Please email
No. Wildcards are assumed so you don't need to add them. E.g., searching for BIO returns subject code BIOL, biology, biologic, biological, etc.
From the filters on the left, click Days to expand the filter. Make sure "Only these days" radio button is selected and choose the appropriate meeting days. Click Search.
From the filter on the left, enter PHED in the Filter Subjects box and select PHED from the results. Then click Additional Search Filters, expand the Session filter and choose "Regular - 1st Half Semester" and click Search.
From the filters on the left, click Degree Requirements to expand the filter, then select the appropriate requirement category and click Search.
On the left, click Additional Search Filters, click Component to expand the filter and choose Laboratory, then click Search.
On the left, click Additional Search Filters, click Instruction Mode to expand the filter. Select "Distance, Total" for courses in which 100% of contact hours are delivered via electronic media. Choose "Distance, Extensive" for courses in which 75 to 99% of contact hours are delivered via electronic media. Select "Hybrid Delivery" for classes in which the contact hours between faculty and students occur through a combination of distance and in-person instruction.
For more information on Class Search, see Search Tips.