VISA Office Review Student Request for Withdrawal

  1. Login to SIS with your CWRU ID and associated passphrase.

  2. Use the menu and navigate to Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > VISA Office Withdrawal Review.

  3. The VISA Office Withdrawal Review search screen appears.

    Withdrawal requests can be viewed by searching for a particular student or viewing all requests by academic career or withdrawal status.

    To search for a particular student, enter the student's ID number into the ID field. Or, use the National ID (SSN), or Last Name and First Name fields to search for the student.

    To view all withdrawal requests within an academic career, click the Academic Career dropdown field and select the appropriate career from the list.

    You can further define the search results by viewing requests for a particular withdrawal status. Click the Withdrawal Status dropdown field and select the appropriate status from the list.

  4. Click the Search button.

  5. If more than one student meets the selection criteria, select a student from the list.

  6. The VISA Office Withdrawal Review Screen screen appears.

    The screen lists the active term(s) from which the student is withdrawing, the date the request was made, the program action that will be placed on the student's program/plan record, the reason stated for withdrawal, the term that the student expects to return (if applicable), the last date of class attendance, and the last date that the student was in housing (if applicable).

  7. Click the Withdrawal Status list.

  8. Click the Pending CASE Review list item to approve the student's request for withdrawal and forward the request to the career Registrar/Dean. An email will be sent to the career Registrar/Dean, and a copy of the email will go to the student's advisor.

    Click the Cancelled list item to deny the student's request for withdrawal. An email will be sent to the student, and a copy of the email will go to the student's advisor.

  9. Enter comments and instructions related to the Withdrawal Status selected for the student in the Comments and Instructions field. The student cannot view comments entered in this field.

  10. Click the Submit Changes button.

  11. A confirmation screen appears.

    Click Cancel to continue reviewing the student's request for withdrawal.

    Click the OK button to confirm your decision.

This completes the process of reviewing an international student's request for withdrawal.