Employer Information Sessions

Hosting an Information Session can be a highly effective component in your overall presence-building strategy. Information Sessions can be held virtually or in-person and staff advise students to attend these sessions for both career exploration and job/internship seeking.

Tips for a Successful Information Session

The following are characteristics of successful Information Sessions:

  • Set a goal to raise awareness of the organization and build relationships with students.
  • Introduce your organization, its opportunities, and why it is a relevant choice for Case Western Reserve University students.
  • Bring a CWRU student or an alumnus who knows your organization and can share a student or new hire perspective.
  • Be prepared to discuss a variety of career paths within the organization. Students have told us that they want to learn more about all of your organization's opportunities!
  • Hold the Information Session after the Career Fair, especially if it's your first time visiting campus. The Career Fair "kicks off" the recruitment season, and for lesser-known employers, this timing helps raise awareness.

Requesting an Information Session

Request an Information Session HERE.  To assure the best audience and give us time to promote, allow us at least 2 weeks lead time.


E-mail employers@case.edu or call 216.368.4446.