Our Mission Statement
The Alumni Association of Case Western Reserve University advocates for the CWRU community and engages current and future alumni in support of a lifelong connection. This is achieved by providing enriching resources and building a sense of pride while reflecting our values of integrity, diversity and equity.
The Alumni Association of CWRU works in partnership with local alumni, regional alumni chapters, students, faculty, staff and The Alumni Association Board of Directors to achieve these goals.
Phone: 216.368.6280 or 800.866.6280
Fax: 216.368.6872
E-mail: alumnirelations@case.edu
The Alumni Association
The Frank N. and Jocelyne K. Linsalata Alumni Center
11310 Juniper Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7155 (map)
Linsalata Alumni Center Rental: alumnicenter@case.edu
The Alumni Association Staff
Email: bxc310@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.4303
Email: sxc1398@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.3085
Email: axc1178@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.3873
Email: bxn145@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.4806
Email: sym2@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.0939
Email: exm295@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.3036
Email: cxm733@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.2418
Email: kxo123@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.8687
Email: mxp812@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.6911
Email: axr1285@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.1980
Email: exs395@case.edu
Phone: 216.368.6282