Find Study Abroad Scholarships and Funding
The Office of Education Abroad strongly encourages students to apply to any study abroad scholarship they are eligible for, and is able to help students with their applications. There are a multitude of opportunities available to help support students financially.
How to Use This Page
Listed below are study abroad scholarships and funding broken out by type.
Use the first series of links (immediately below) to navigate directly to scholarships of interest. Once on the scholarship type selected, clicking on the scholarship title will show eligibility requirements, how to apply, application deadlines, and more.
- CWRU Study Abroad Scholarships
- Disability and Accessibility Scholarships
- First Generation Scholarships
- LGBTQ Scholarships
- Race and Ethnicity Scholarships
- General Scholarships
- Honor Society Scholarships
- Program-Specific Scholarships
- Region-Specific Scholarships
- Fellowships
CWRU Study Abroad Scholarships
- CWRU Black Faculty & Staff Resource Group Scholarship
- Office of Education Abroad Scholarships
- Alice Seagraves Award
- Brookes Friebolin Award
- IES Abroad Scholarship
- Samuel Rosenthal Scholarship
- think: global Need-Based Study Abroad Scholarship
- Division of Student Affairs Dream Fund
- Kupcinet-Getz International Summer School Research
- Office of Education Abroad Programs with Funding
- DIS Summer Programs
- Hong Kong Polytechnic Summer Programs
- Tongji University SEM Summer Programs (China)
- Sogang University (South Korea)
Disability and Accessibility Scholarships
- Curb Free Foundation Travel Grant
- Diversity Abroad
- EuroScholars Grants
- IES Abroad Disability Grants
- ISA Diversity Scholarship
Click here for additional resources on disability and accessibility abroad.
First Generation Scholarships
- Diversity Abroad
- EuroScholars Grants
- Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships
- Includifi First-Generation Global Scholars (Summer Programs Only)
- ISA Diversity Scholarship
Click here for additional resources on first generation students abroad.
LGBTQ Scholarships
- Diversity Abroad
- Gamma Mu Foundation Scholarships Program
- ISA Diversity Scholarship
- Rainbow Scholarship
- Scholarship Guide for LGBTQ Students
Click here for additional resources on LGBTQ students abroad.
Race and Ethnicity Scholarships
- Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
- Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) Emerging Leaders: Japan Cultural Immersion Program
- Diverse International Women of Color (DIWC) Study Abroad Scholarship
- Douglass-O'Connell Global Internship
- Fund for Education Abroad Scholarship
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Scholarship Guide for Hispanic and Latino Students
- Scholarship Guide for Students of Color
- ISA Diversity Scholarship (for EuroScholars programs)
- TCA Study Abroad Turkey Scholarship for Armenian-American Students
- TCA Study Abroad in Turkey Scholarships for Minority Students
Click here for additional resources on race and ethnicity abroad.
General Scholarships
- CWRU Study Abroad Scholarships
- American Councils Study Abroad Aid
- Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
- Boren Awards Scholarship
- Bright Tax Global Scholar Initiative
- Cleveland Archeological Society Field School Summer Scholarship
- Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program
- Fund for Education Abroad Scholarship
- Gilman-McCain Scholarship (active duty service members' dependents)
- Global Ambassadors Scholarship
- Go Overseas Scholarships
- HI USA Explore the World Scholarship
- IIE-GIRE (PhD Engineering Student Research Abroad)
- Immigrants Rising (Scholarships and Fellowships for DACA and undocumented students)
- The Going Abroad Scholarship
- The Passport Portal Scholarship (covers the cost of a U.S. passport)
- Tortuga Study Abroad Scholarship
Honor Society Scholarships
- Delta Phi Alpha
- Phi Kappa Phi
- Phi Sigma Iota
- Pi Delta Phi (National French Honor Society)
- Sigma Delta Pi (National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society)
Program-Specific Scholarships
- AMIDEAST Need-Based Scholarships (programs in Jordan and Tunisia)
- Arcadia University Scholarships (STEM Summer Research programs)
- DIS Abroad (semester/yearlong programs in Denmark and Sweden)
- DIS Summer Scholarship (programs in Denmark and Sweden)
- EuroScholars Grants (research programs in Europe)
- IES Abroad Scholarships (Worldwide)
- IFSA - Butler Scholarship (Oxford University and Global and Public Health in India program)
- ISA Diversity Scholarship (EuroScholars research programs in Europe)
- Hong Kong Polytechnic Summer Scholarship (summer in Hong Kong)
- King's College London Excellence Scholarships (England)
- Trinity College Dublin Study Abroad Scholarships (Ireland)
- University of Canterbury Study Abroad Scholarship (New Zealand)
- University of Melbourne Global Learning Student Ambassador Scholarship (Australia)
Region-Specific Scholarships
- Asia
- General
- East and Southeast
- China/Hong Kong
- Japan
- Congressional Black Caucus Foundation (CBCF) Emerging Leaders Japan Cultural Immersion Program
- Morgan Stanley Scholarships for Study in Japan
- Bridging Scholarships
- MEXT Scholarships
- Nissho Iwai Foundation International Exchange Scholarship Programme
- Scholarships for International Students in Japan
- US-Japan Council Toshizo Watanabe Scholarship
- South Korea
- Europe
- Denmark
- DIS Abroad (semester/yearlong programs in Denmark and Sweden)
- DIS Summer Scholarship (programs in Denmark and Sweden)
- France
- CWRU Study Abroad Scholarships (Friebolin)
- Germany
- EMIG Bundestag Internship (German Parliament Internship)
- German Studies Research Grant
- German Universities of Applied Sciences Study & Internship Program
- Hostelling International IOU Respect Intercultural Exchange
- RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) Program
- University Summer Course Grant
- Ireland
- Italy
- Golden Key Scholarship
- ItaliaRail Study Abroad Scholarship
- National Italian American Foundation (Maurizio A. Gianturco Scholarship)
- Netherlands
- Spain
- Sweden
- DIS Abroad (semester/yearlong programs in Denmark and Sweden)
- DIS Summer Scholarship (programs in Denmark and Sweden)
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- BUTEX Award (England)
- George J. Mitchell Scholarship (Northern Ireland)
- GoCity Education Scholarship
- Denmark
- Latin America
- Argentina, Chile & Ecuador
- Middle East and North Africa
- Israel
- Jordan and Tunisia
- United Arab Emirates
- The William Jefferson Clinton Scholarship at American University of Dubai (petition program with a very early deadline)
- Oceania
Students interested in nationally competitive international scholarships and fellowships (Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright, Truman, Eva L. Pancoast, Projects for Peace, etc.) can work with the Office of Education Abroad as well as the Undergraduate Advising Support Office to apply. Email or make an appointment with Cami Ross via MyJourney. Students can also meet with Undergraduate Advising Support.