Student Employment

Student employment at CWRU offers a range of part-time work opportunities during the academic year. It is a partnership, and you are fulfilling a vital service necessary to our community through your participation. Working on campus offers you the opportunity to gain or refine important skills such as time management, customer service, and financial management without the need for off-campus transportation. We will provide a safe work environment, training and supervision, and bi-monthly payment of earnings based on your hourly rate and hours worked. These earnings can help with your personal expenses. The minimum hourly rate is $12.22.

Arrival: Paperwork drop-off and completion 

The Office of Student Employment will host two drop-in sessions during Discover Week for students (and parents/guardians) to complete the Hire Package paperwork of Federal and State Income Tax Withholdings and the I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification forms on:

  • Sunday, August 18 | 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Wolstein Hall
  • Monday, August 19 | 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. | Kelvin Smith Library

Required Student Employment Documents

The following forms are required for all students working on campus. Please review this information carefully. 

All forms MUST be completed in pen in blue or black ink. We ask that you write legibly so forms are associated with the correct student record.  

  • Federal and State Tax Forms
    • W4 (Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate)
    • IT-4 (Ohio Exemption Certificate)
  • I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification): Federal Department of Homeland Security requirement
    • Complete Section 1 (Employee Information and Attestation) of the I-9 before your arrival to CWRU. 
    • After arrival to CWRU, Student Employment must review your *original* identity documentation, with your I-9 form, in person, to complete this requirement.
      • Some of the most common forms of identification used by students are:  
        • Driver’s License or CWRU ID card PLUS your original Social Security Card or original Birth Certificate. 
        • Passports also meet the identity documentation requirement.  
        • A complete list of acceptable documentation can be found on page 2 of the I-9 form.
        • IMPORTANT REMINDER: Copies of these documents cannot be accepted.

You are not able to work on campus until you have submitted your tax forms and the I-9 form for certification in person.

Job Fair 

For those students who will be seeking employment opportunities, CWRU will host a Job Fair during Discover Week on Thursday, August 22, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Tinkham Veale University Center.

CWRU Departments and outside organizations who support the Federal Work Study Program will have tables set up to allow students to drop-off resumes and speak with representatives. Please make sure to bring your resume for supervisors to review.

Students will also be able to log in to the platform that manages our student work opportunities, Handshake. In Handshake, you will browse and apply for available positions across campus. Access to Handshake will be granted after August 25.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Student Employment at