Contracts for Services

A new contract is required every time an external vendor provides a service to the University. Everything from an event planner setting up tables at an alumni function to a scientist analyzing DNA samples for use in a government sponsored project requires a written agreement to be in place prior to the work starting. These external vendors are commonly known as independent contractors.

Independent contractors at Case Western Reserve University are individuals or companies that provide specialized services in a particular discipline. The use of independent contractors allows CWRU to tap their unique expertise necessary to project-specific work, recognize the contractors' desire for independence, and to save on benefit and administrative costs.

There are, however, some cases where the work should be done by an employee rather than a contractor. In order to help determine what status the vendor should be, please consult the independent contractor form.

If you have any additional contract-related questions, concerns or issues you’d like to discuss, please contact Procurement would be happy to walk you through the contracting process.