Permissions Newsletter - Volume 7

Have you experienced difficulty in granting class permissions to students in the Student Information System (SIS)? Have you ever wondered what the permission process looks like for students or why they would request more than one?

This newsletter seeks to answer your questions and give you a better understanding of the permissions process. Topics include:


How Permissions Work for Students

In order for a student to request a class permission, they must first attempt to enroll in a class or add a class to their shopping cart, then validate it. If a permission is needed, the student will receive a message letting them know why they can’t register at this time and prompt them to request the type of permission needed. Although the error may not give them all of the reasons they cannot enroll in the class, all permissions they need at that moment will be selected.

For more detailed information on the process for students, see Requesting Class Permission.


Common Permission Issues

Time Conflict Permissions

Students may not register for classes that have any meeting day/times that overlap. A Time Conflict permission may be granted by the instructor of the course which will be missed, NOT the instructor of the course which will not be missed. Although the student may already be enrolled, if you are allowing them to miss part of your class, you must grant the time conflict permission to enable them to enroll in the overlapping class. The process for granting the permission is the same as other permission types.

Granting a Permission Again

You may need to grant a new permission for a student to enroll in your course even if you have already granted a different permission. For example, if you have granted a Consent permission, but the class closed since the student requested consent, you will now have to add Closed Class permission in order for the student to enroll.

Granting Permission Does Not Enroll the Student

After you grant a class permission, the student must still take action and enroll themselves in the class. The student is not automatically enrolled because they may request permission for a class then decide later not to enroll in it.


Types of Permissions

There are several reasons why permission may be required to enroll in a particular class:

Consent is Required

A class may be coded by the department as requiring either instructor or department consent. The consent type required may be either add consent or drop consent. Details regarding whether or not a class requires add or drop consent are through Class Search. Students who wish to add or drop a course that requires consent will need to request a Consent Required permission through SIS.

Class is Closed

Classes that reach their enrollment limits require permission to override the limit. If all seats are taken, students will not be allowed to register unless a Closed Class permission is granted. Even if a class shows a status of "open" or it appears as if there are seats available, it still may be closed to students not meeting the Reserve Capacity requirements.

Requisites Have Not Been Met

Departments determine whether or not a course requires prerequisites, co-requisites or other requirement conditions. If the student has not met these requirements, registration for the course is not allowed unless a Requisites Not Met permission is granted.

Visit our Permissions page to see the full list of permission types and an explanation of permission statuses.


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