Name Change

To request a legal name change, please use the following guidelines:

To request a name change electronically, the following documents will be required:

  • Name Change Form

  • notarized copy of one of the following official documents:

    Social Security Card
    Court Order
    Marriage License
    Divorce Decree
    Birth Certificate

  • notarized copy of your photo identification (i.e., driver's license, passport, or CWRU student ID)

To request a name change in person, the following documents will be required:

  • Name Change Form

  • One of the following official documents:

    Social Security Card
    Court Order
    Marriage License
    Divorce Decree
    Birth Certificate

  • Photo Identification (i.e., driver's license, passport, or CWRU student ID)

Legal name changes are processed in the University Registrar's Office, in Sears Library Building, Room 220. Please note that photocopies of original documents are only acceptable if they are notarized.

To request a name change by mail, the following documents will be required:

  • Name Change Form

  • notarized copy of one of the following official documents:

    Social Security Card
    Court Order
    Marriage License
    Divorce Decree
    Birth Certificate

  • notarized copy of your photo identification (i.e., driver's license, passport, or CWRU student ID)

Please mail all documentation to

Office of the University Registrar
Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Avenue
Sears Library Building, Room 220
Cleveland, OH 44106

Faculty and staff should contact Human Resources regarding name changes.

The only exception made regarding the above documentation requirements is for the use of maiden name. When our records already indicate a maiden name, the change may be made by submitting a Name Change Form without official documentation. 

For information on adding a preferred name in SIS, please see Preferred Name.