Begin by logging into the SIS at with your CWRU Network ID and password.
From the Staff Home page, click the Admin Class Permissions tile. Choose Case Class Permissions (Add) to review requests from students who are attempting to add a class or Case Class Permissions (Drop) to review requests from students attempting to drop a class.
Select the term for the permission requests to be reviewed.
Enter one or more search criteria. The number of permission requests that meet the criteria is displayed at the bottom of the screen. The requests may take a minute or two to load if there are a large number of results, so enter search criteria appropriately.
When you finish entering search criteria, click Search.
A list of the permission statuses display on the left side of the screen along with counts of the number of requests that exist with that status for that term. Requests that are pending instructor permission are displayed on the right. To select a different status, click the status on the left.
Click the Change button at the top to select a different term.
The grid containing the permission requests displays the following information:
- The student’s name and ID number (hover over the student’s name to view the student’s reason for requesting permission, or click for more student information)
- The class, section number, and class number for which the student is requesting permission (hover over the class for the meeting days of the class, or click for more class information)
- The permission(s) requested
- An enrollment status which indicates if the student is already enrolled in this section of the course, enrolled in another section of the same course, or not enrolled in the course
- The date the student used the permission, if applicable
- The last date and time the request was updated and by whom
- The permission status and expiration date, if applicable
A button to initiate acting on the request
Note: For an explanation of each permission type and possible statuses, see Permissions.
Click the Filter icon
to filter the list if needed. Select the desired filters and click Done.
Note: To remove all filters, click the Filter icon, click Reset, then click Done. The following information is available for filtering:
- Class
- Permission Requested
- Program
- Plan
- Admit Term
- Expected Graduation Term
- Enrollment Status
Click the Sort icon
to change the sort order of the list. Click any field once to sort in ascending order. Click the field again to sort in descending order.
Note: Only one field can actively sorted at a time.
Click the Update Status button
to grant, deny, or revoke a permission request. A window is displayed that shows all permissions that were requested by the student, as well as any new permissions that may now be required in order for the student to enroll, such as a Closed Class permission if a class has closed since the student submitted the initial request. The reason for requesting the permission which the student entered is included.
Click the checkbox next to the permission type you do not want to grant to uncheck it.
Note: Because career restrictions are managed by school registrars or administrators, you will not be able to uncheck a career restriction permission. Once actions are completed on a request that includes a career restriction, the request will be forwarded to the appropriate administrator for further action.
Optionally, add a comment to the student to be included in the email confirmation and in the SIS. If needed, change the expiration date which, by default, is set to the last day of the term.
Once updates have been completed, click Grant to grant the student’s request or Deny to deny the request.
If a request has already been granted, click Revoke to revoke the request.
Note: If the student has already enrolled, this will not remove the student from the class.
Use the Actions menu
to grant, deny or revoke permission requests en masse. Click the checkbox to the left of the student’s name or click the checkbox at the top of the column to select all students. Then, click the Actions icon, and select the action to execute. A confirmation page will display where comments can be entered to the students or an expiration date, if applicable, can be selected.
Click the Grant, Deny, or Revoke, as appropriate, to complete the process. The action will be applied to all selected students, where possible. A message will appear if the action cannot be applied to any of the selected students. The new status will be reflected immediately if the action is successful, and the student will be removed from the list currently being viewed.
If needed, email one or more students from the Actions menu. Select the student(s) and click Notify Selected. Enter the message to be sent to the students and click Notify.
Click the Add Permission Request button at the top of any page to manually add a permission for a student. If known, enter the student’s ID number in the Student ID box, or click the look up icon to search for the student by name or network ID (campus ID).
Note: It may take several minutes for the look up page to appear. When the results page appears, click Search Criteria to expand the section and enter all or part of the student’s name or network ID and click Search. Locate the correct student, and click anywhere on the student row.
Enter the four- or five-digit class number in the Class Nbr box or click the look up icon to search for a class. Permissions may only be added for a class you are teaching. If using the class lookup, click any column header to sort the results. Locate the correct class, and click anywhere on the class row.
Ater the student ID and class number have been selected, click Add. Permissions that are required for the student to enroll in the class are displayed. Enter comments to the student, select an expiration date, then click Grant. A message is displayed if no permissions are required.
If needed, delete manually-added permission by choosing Delete Selected from the Actions menu.
Note: Permission requests submitted by students cannot be deleted.
This completes the process of reviewing permission requests.